BRE documents within the Construction Information Service
- Balanced flue terminals: location and guarding
- Balanced Value for sustainable procurement
- Basement construction and waterproofing: construction, safety, insulation and services
- Basement construction and waterproofing: site investigation and preparation
- Basis for the revision of scales for sanitary accommodation in schools
- Bats and refurbishment
- Battery energy storage systems with grid-connected solar photovoltaics: A technical guide
- Behaviour of concrete repair patches under propped and unpropped conditions: critical review of current knowledge and practices
- Behaviour of foundations and structures
- Behaviour of people in fires
- Below-ground drainage systems
- Best practice in concrete frame construction: case studies
- Best practice in concrete frame construction: practical application at St George Wharf
- Best practice of timber waste management
- Better briefing means better buildings
- Better building: integrating the supply chain - a guide for clients and their consultants
- Beyond BIM. Knowledge management for a smarter built environment
- Bibliography of British dams: A companion to the register of British dams
- BIM for energy efficiency
- Biodiversity offsetting for developments
- Biological natural durability of timber in ground contact
- Biomass energy - wood fuel for space and water heating
- Biomass systems: key factors for successful installations
- Bio-resins in construction: a review of current and future developments
- Bird, bee and plant damage to buildings
- Birmingham Corporation steel-framed houses
- Bison large panel system dwellings: constructional details
- Bituminous roofing membranes: performance in use
- Blackburn Orlit houses: technical information
- Blastfurnace slag and steel slag: their use as aggregates
- Blocks with recycled aggregate: beam-and-block floors
- Blue staining of timber in service: its cause, prevention and treatment
- Boswell houses: investigation of structural condition
- BRAC: Report by sub-committee P - High alumina cement concrete (and Addenda)
- Bracing trussed rafter roofs
- BRE building elements: building services - performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects
- BRE building elements: floors and flooring - performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects. 2nd edition
- BRE building elements: foundations, basements and external works
- BRE Guide to radon remedial measures in existing dwellings. Dwellings with cellars and basements
- BRE housing design handbook: energy and internal layout
- BRE low-energy office: an assessment of electric heating
- BRE methodology for environmental profiles of construction materials, components and buildings
- BRE screed tester: classification of screeds, sampling and acceptance limits
- BRE Trust review 2012
- BREDEM - BRE domestic energy model: background, philosophy and description
- BREDEM 8 - Model description
- BREDEM: BRE Domestic Energy Model
- BREDEM-12 Model description
- BREDEM-12 model description: 2001 update
- BREDEM-8 model description: 2001 update
- BREEAM 98 for offices: an environmental assessment method for office buildings. (Refer to BREEAM offices 2008 assessor manual for current criteria)
- BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes on the London 2012 Olympic Park: Lessons from the Velodrome, Aquatics Centre and the Olympic and Paralympic Village
- BREEAM industrial 2006. Pre-assessment estimator - fitted out buildings (superseded by BREEAM industrial 2008 assessor manual, but still applies to projects registered before 1st August 2008)
- BREEAM industrial 2006. Pre-assessment estimator - speculative buildings (superseded by BREEAM industrial 2008 assessor manual, but still applies to projects registered before 1st August 2008)
- BREEAM offices 2006. Pre-assessment estimator - design and procurement (superseded by BREEAM offices 2008 assessor manual, but still applies to projects registered before 1st August 2008)
- BREEAM offices 2006. Pre-assessment estimator - management and operation (superseded by BREEAM offices 2008 assessor manual, but still applies to projects registered before 1st August 2008)
- BREEAM schools 2006. Pre-assessment estimator (superseded by BREEAM education 2008 assessor manual, but still applies to projects registered before 1st August 2008)
- BREMORTEST: a rapid method of testing fresh mortars for cement content
- BRESIM technique for measuring air infiltration rates in large buildings
- BREVAC: a mechanised method of emptying sanitation chambers
- Brick walls: injected dpcs
- Brick walls: replastering following dpc injection
- Bricks, blocks and masonry made from aggregate concrete: appearance and environmental aspects
- Bricks, blocks and masonry made from aggregate concrete: performance requirements
- Brickwork: prevention of sulphate attack
- Brickwork: prevention of sulphate attack
- Bridging the performance gap. Understanding predicted and actual energy use of buildings
- Briefing guide for timber framed housing
- British Housing steel-framed houses
- British Iron and Steel Federation steel framed house
- British Standard BS 5821:1980 - ratings of the sound insulation of floating party floors
- British Standard BS 5821:1980 - ratings of the sound insulation of post 1970 party walls
- British-grown Douglas fir: growth rate and density relating to visual grading and strength class attribution
- Brownfield sites. An integrated ground engineering strategy
- Brownfield sites: ground related risks for buildings
- BRS Type 4 houses
- Building a new felted flat roof
- Building and urban space accessibility. POLIS: decision support tools and policy initiatives in support of universal design of buildings
- Building brickwork or blockwork retaining walls
- Building damp free cavity walls
- Building in winter
- Building information modelling life cycle assessment. An introduction to IMPACT
- Building limestones of the British Isles (1989 reprint with corrections)
- Building magnesian limestones of the British Isles
- Building management systems: user experiences
- Building masonry with lime-based bedding mortars
- Building mortar
- Building on brownfield sites: identifying the hazards
- Building on brownfield sites: reducing the risks
- Building on fill: collapse compression on inundation
- Building on fill: geotechnical aspects. 3rd edition
- Building overseas in warm climates
- Building performance feedback: getting started
- Building regulation and health
- Building regulation and health
- Building regulation and safety
- Building regulations: conservation of fuel and power - the 'energy target' method of compliance for dwellings
- Building reinforced, diaphragm and wide plan free-standing walls
- Building sandstones of the British Isles
- Building simple plan brick or blockwork free-standing walls. Revision 1