Association for Specialist Fire Protection documents within the Construction Information Service
- Active fire curtains: compartmentation and protected routes. 1st edition. Guidance on specification, use and application of product (Black book)
- ASFP - BCF best practice guide for specifying reactive coating fire protection for steel structures
- ASFP advisory notice - using polyurethane foams
- ASFP on-site guide to installing fire-stopping
- ASFP position on assessments and technical evaluations in lieu of fire testing
- ASFP position on CE combined penetration seals
- ASFP position on CE marking active fire curtains: Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008, the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and subsequent UK Statutory Instrument 2019 No. 696
- ASFP position on compatibility between pipes and acoustic or fire stopping seals
- ASFP Position on inspection and maintenance of passive fire protection provisions
- ASFP position on installing partitioning to the underside of structural steel sections coated with a reactive fire protection system
- ASFP position on partial penetrations through walls
- ASFP Position on performance smoke seals in active fire curtains
- ASFP position on portal frame buildings
- ASFP position on secondary steelwork
- ASFP position on the expiry of certification based upon Yellow Book 4th edition assessments
- ASFP position on the fire protection of cellular beams protected with reactive coatings
- ASFP position on the interchangeability of supporting construction for firestopping
- ASFP position on the use of critical steel temperatures above 650°C
- ASFP position on unprotected attachments and unprotected secondary members connected to protected primary members
- ASFP Position on use of BS 476 based testing on Eurocode designed structures
- ASFP position paper on the fire protection of corrugated web beams
- ASFP position paper on the use of Yellow Book critical temperatures for the UK (or equivalent) market
- Awareness guidance for the responsible person under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- Code of practice for junctions between different fire protection systems when applied to load bearing structural steel elements
- Code of practice for off-site applied thin film intumescent coatings
- Code of practice for the design, installation and management of passive fire protection in Ireland
- Code of practice for the installation and inspection of board systems for the fire protection of structural steel work
- Code of practice for the installation and inspection of fire resisting duct systems
- Code of practice for the installation and inspection of fire stopping systems in buildings: linear joint seals, penetration seals, small cavity barriers
- Code of practice for the installation and inspection of sprayed non-reactive coatings for the fire protection of structural steelwork
- Code of practice for the over-cladding of reactive coatings when used as fire protection to steel structural sections
- Code of practice for the refurbishment and upgrading of fire protection of structural steelwork
- Code of practice for the specification and on-site installation of intumescent coatings for fire protection of structural steelwork
- Code of practice for the use of sprayed mineral coatings for the fire protection of structural steel: Based on BS 8202 Part 1 for the mechanical retention of sprayed mineral coatings
- Ensuring best practice for passive fire protection in buildings. 2nd edition
- Fire and your legal liability
- Fire protection for structural steel in buildings. 5th edition. Volume 1 of 2. (Yellow book) (Superseded but remains current)
- Fire resistance test for 'open-state' cavity barriers used in the external envelope or fabric of buildings
- Fire resisting ductwork. Tested to BS EN 1366 Parts 1, 8 and 9 (Classification to BS EN 13501 Parts 3 and 4). 2nd Edition (Volume 1). Blue book. European version
- Fire resisting partitions. 2nd edition. A guide to internally framed non load bearing partitions (Purple book)
- Fire stopping of metal pipes, where flanges, valves or fittings fall within the insulation zone of a compartment wall penetration
- Fire test standards and the Construction Products Regulation in relation to fire resisting ventilation and smoke control ductwork
- Firestopping of combustible pipes with an internal diameter of 40 mm or less
- Fire-stopping: Linear joint seals, penetration seals and cavity barriers 4th edition. Red book (Fire-stopping)
- 'Framing out' of drywall partitions
- Guidance on the classification for reaction to fire performance of fire retardant coating systems. Enhancing the fire performance of surfaces in buildings (Orange book)
- Guide to class 0 and class 1: As defined in UK Building Regulations
- Guide to inspecting passive fire protection for fire risk assessors
- Horizontal linear gap seals used in curtain walling systems
- Indicative or ad-hoc testing essential information
- Issues surrounding service support centres
- Joint ASFP - BCF advisory notice
- Safe use of horizontal fire stopping: avoiding accidents and damage
- Selection of fire seal materials to amend or refurbish existing non-reusable service penetration seals
- Test and assessment procedures for circular solid rods protected with intumescent coatings
- UKCA/CE marking of operable fabric curtains
- Understanding the term 'Competent Person' in relation to the installation of passive fire protection
- Use of firestopping components from different manufacturers/systems
- Volume 1: EN fire dampers (European standards) E (integrity) and ES (integrity and leakage) classified. 2nd edition. As used in ventilation systems to maintain fire compartments and/or to protect means of escape from buildings. Guidance on EN fire testing, classification, application and installation. (Grey book)
- Yellow book tables 18 and 19 and cellular beams
- Yellow book. Fire protection for structural steel in buildings. Volume 1. 6th edition