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Institution of Structural Engineers documents within the Construction Information Service
An introduction to building information modelling (BIM)
An overview of the specifying and detailing of masonry construction
Appraisal of existing structures. Third edition. October 2010
Assessing higher-risk buildings under the Building Safety Act: a compendium of structural typologies
Car park design
Circular economy and reuse: Guidance for designers
Computational engineering
Conceptual design of buildings. Version 1.1
Design for zero
Dynamic performance requirements for permanent grandstands subject to crowd action. Recommendations for management design and assessment
Examples for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8
Guide to surveys and inspections of buildings and associated structures
Guide to the advanced fire safety engineering of structures
How to calculate embodied carbon. 2nd edition
Inclusive design for structural engineers
Introduction to structural fire engineering
Manual for the design of building structures to Eurocode 1 and basis of structural design. Second edition
Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2 (amended September 2007, March 2008, March and August 2009, May 2010, October 2017 and January 2019). Version 1.3
Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures to Eurocode 6. (Second edition)
Manual for the design of plain masonry in building structures. 2nd edition
Manual for the design of steelwork building structures to Eurocode 3 (includes amendment March 2011)
Manual for the design of steelwork building structures. 3rd edition
Manual for the design of timber building structures to Eurocode 5. Second edition. Version 1.1
Manual for the geotechnical design of structures to Eurocode 7
Manual for the seismic design of steel and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8
Manual for the systematic risk assessment of high-risk structures against disproportionate collapse. October 2013
Operation and maintenance of bridge access gantries and runways. 2nd edition
Regenerative structural engineer
Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) investigation and assessment - further guidance
Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) panels - investigation and assessment
Risk in structural engineering. October 2013
Safety in tall buildings and other buildings with large occupancy
Stability of buildings Part 3: Shear walls
Stability of buildings Part 4: Moment frames
Stability of buildings Parts 1 and 2: General philosophy and framed bracing
Standard method of detailing structural concrete. 4th edition
Structural aspects of cladding
Structural design - achieving excellence
Structural design - the engineer's role. Version 1.1 January 2018
Structural effects of alkali-silica reaction: technical guidance on the appraisal of existing structures (includes addendum April 2010)
Structural plan of work 2020
Structural plan of work 2020: generic responsibility matrix
Structural plan of work 2020: overview and guidance
Structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in buildings. Second edition
Structural submissions for higher-risk buildings under the Building Safety Act: guidance for gateways 2 and 3
Structural use of adhesives
Structural use of fibre polymer composites
Structural use of glass in buildings. 2nd edition (incorporating amendments)
Subsidence of low rise buildings: a guide for professionals and property owners. 2nd edition
Temporary demountable structures: guidance on procurement, design and use. 4th edition