Scottish Government documents within the Construction Information Service
- Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment (No.3) Order 1994: demolition, toll road facilities and miscellaneous amendments (partially superseded)
- 2013 regulations: receipt of case
- 2020 routemap for renewable energy in Scotland - update
- A new future for Scotland's town centres
- A smart, successful Scotland - ambitions for the enterprise networks
- Access throughout the principal living level in a dwelling (26.05.2010)
- Access to environmental information - guidance for Scottish public authorities and interested parties on the implementation of the environmental information (Scotland) regulations 2004
- Access within building (issued 14.10.2008)
- Access within building (issued 21.08.2008)
- Access within buildings (issued 16.09.2011)
- Access within buildings (issued 17.03.2015)
- Access within buildings (issued 18.10.2013)
- Access within buildings (issued 19.05.2014)
- Access within buildings (issued 21.01.2014)
- Access within buildings (issued 21.04.2011)
- Access within buildings (issued 24.02.2012)
- Accessible kitchen facilities (issued 17.12.2008)
- Accessible sanitary accommodation (issued 02.06.2008)
- Accessible sanitary accommodation (issued 17.12.2008)
- Accredited construction details (Scotland) 2015 - Part 2 Partial fill masonry construction details
- Accredited construction details (Scotland) 2015 - Part 3 Timber frame construction details
- Accredited construction details (Scotland) 2015 - Part 4 Metal frame construction details
- Accredited construction details (Scotland) 2015 - Part 5 Additional common junction details
- Accredited construction details (Scotland) 2015: For the limitation of thermal bridging and air infiltration in low and medium rise domestic buildings: Introduction and principles. Version 2.0
- Achieving a sustainable future - regeneration strategy
- Achieving net zero in social housing
- Adapting for change - final report of the Adaptations Working Group
- Addendum to planning circular 4/2013: planning appeals. Withdrawal of old and superseded circulars
- Addendum to planning circular 6/2013: development planning. Withdrawal of old and superseded circulars
- Advice for building owners on assurance and replacing of flat entrance fire doors (Updated 2 August 2018)
- Affordable housing and housing land audits
- Affordable housing securing planning consent 2011/12
- Age, home and community: the next phase
- Air quality and land use planning
- Aligning development planning procedures with habitats regulations appraisal (HRA) requirements. Version 1
- Aligning planning and roads construction consent (RCC)
- Allocation of land for affordable housing through the planning system
- Amendments to the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) and (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Orders 1993 consequential on coal privatisation
- An assessment of the value of planning agreements in Scotland
- An assessment of the value of planning agreements in Scotland
- An introduction to energy performance certificates (EPC)
- Analysis of responses for building standards (fire safety) consultation on external wall systems
- Annex A - further reading
- Annex to Scotland's historic environment - heritage management: directions and guidance
- Annual and quarterly planning performance statistics, 2014/15
- Annual and quarterly planning performance statistics, 2015/16
- Annual and quarterly planning performance statistics, 2016/17
- Annual and quarterly planning performance statistics, 2017/18
- Annual compendium of Scottish energy statistics
- Annual energy statement 2019
- Annual planning performance statistics, 2013/14
- Annual planning performance statistics, 2018/19
- Annual planning performance statistics, 2019/20
- Annual planning performance statistics, 2020/21
- Annual planning performance statistics, 2021/22
- Appeal on grounds that a building is not of special architectural or historic interest and should be removed from the list
- Applications for variation of section 36 consents
- Applications to the Scottish Ministers for the grant of a necessary wayleave in Scotland. Guidance for applicants, landowners and occupiers. Updated 2022
- Applying an ecosystems approach to land use - information note
- Applying timescales for appeal submissions
- Approaches to rural proofing: a review
- Are your barriers safe? Protective barriers in existing non-domestic buildings
- Assessing the extent of the 5 year supply of effective housing land
- Assessment of the current position in Scotland regarding window opening light restrictors in domestic buildings
- Assurance of work on site
- Barriers to community engagement in planning: a research study
- Barriers to delivering mixed use development
- Barriers to delivering mixed use development - final report
- Basic introduction to strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
- Battery storage consents
- Benefits of using processing agreements: April 2015
- Best practice guidance in the use of frameworks
- Best practice in establishing urban regeneration companies in Scotland
- Best practice in handling planning applications affecting trunk roads
- Bringing private sector empty houses into use
- BS 7974 and the International Fire Engineering Guidelines
- Build to rent
- Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Application of building regulations and changes of use
- Building (Scotland) Act 2003 - Paragraph 9 of Schedule 2 - Direction as to the exercise of functions of a verifier
- Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Domestic microgeneration - installation of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal equipment on a house
- Building (Scotland) act 2003. External wall insulation - reaction to fire classification
- Building (Scotland) act 2003: Section 25(2) Direction as to the provision of energy performance certificates for existing buildings
- Building (Scotland) Act 2003: section 34 - reports and information notification of application for building warrant - section 2: fire
- Building (Scotland) act 2003: Sections 25 (1) (2) and (3) Improvement to the performance of fixed building services for existing non-domestic buildings direction 2010
- Building (Scotland) regulations 2004 - Schedule 5: Mandatory standard 3.12 sanitary facilities - takeaway food shops
- Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 - Schedule 5: Mandatory standard 6.2 airtightness testing of new buildings - evidence of competence of testers
- Building (Scotland) regulations 2004, as amended. Structural design of cladding systems - wind loading
- Building a sustainable future - regeneration discussion paper
- Building a sustainable future - summary of responses to the regeneration discussion paper
- Building better cities - delivering growth and opportunities
- Building better schools: investing in Scotland's future
- Building information modelling in construction
- Building regulations - compliance and enforcement. Analysis of consultation responses. Final report
- Building regulations - proposals to require provision of 'Changing places toilets' in certain types of new buildings
- Building standards - Technical Handbooks - 2017 Changes summary
- Building standards - Technical Handbooks - 2019 Changes summary
- Building standards certification
- Building standards compliance and fire safety consultation analysis report
- Building standards operating framework for verifiers. Version 1.1
- Building standards performance framework for verifiers. Version 2.2