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Scottish Executive documents within the Construction Information Service
20 mph speed reduction initiative
21st century school: Building our future: Scotland's school estate
Action research on road construction consent: final report
Advertising planning proposals
Background analysis to the framework for economic development in Scotland
Better communities in Scotland: closing the gap
Brick clay
Brief guide to the 2006 Scottish Planning Act
Building better transport
Building consensus for rural development and planning in Scotland: a review of best practice
Building with earth in Scotland - innovative design and sustainability
Building, paving and roofing stone
Changing our ways - Scotland's climate change programme
Choosing our future: Scotland's sustainable development strategy
City region boundaries study
City-wide urban regeneration: lessons from good practice
Climate change: review of levels of protection offered by flood prevention schemes
Community regeneration statement: implementation of action plan
Controlling light pollution and reducing lighting energy consumption
Conversion of redundant farm steadings to other uses
Core facts: Building our future: Scotland's school estate
Costs in the planning service
Cycling in Scotland 2005
Design snapshot - an easy read guide to design
Designing with care - interior design and residential child care
Development planning and control in national parks in England and Wales
Drinking water quality in Scotland 2000
Effect of maximum car parking standards including inward investment implications
Environmental Protection Act 1990: part IIA - contaminated land statutory guidance. Edition 2
European protected species, development sites and the planning system
Evaluation of the empty homes initiative
Evaluation of the rural transport fund
Factors affecting land supply for affordable housing in rural areas
Final report of the community planning task force
Fire safety in schools: Building our future: Scotland's school estate
Framework for economic development in Scotland
Future patterns of retailing in Scotland
Getting "under the skin" of community planning
Guidance on determining school capacities
Guide to non-traditional housing in Scotland: 1923-1955. 2nd edition
Guide to transport assessment for development proposals in Scotland
Guide to transport assessment for development proposals in Scotland (summary)
HECA Report: Home Energy Conservation Act (1995): Third HECA progress report for the Scottish Parliament
Helping homeless people - delivering the action plan for prevention and effective response. Homelessness monitoring group first report - January 2004
Helping homeless people - delivering the action plan for prevention and effective response. Homelessness monitoring group second report - April 2005
Helping homeless people - homelessness statement. Ministerial statement on abolition of priority need by 2012
Home zones in Scotland - evaluation report
Homes for Scotland's people - a Scottish housing policy statement
Igneous rock
Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003: principles for setting objectives for the river basin management plan - policy statement
Influence of local biodiversity action plans in the unitary authority LA21 process and community planning
Key sites appraisal methodology for development planning
Land values and the implications for planning policy
Local biodiversity action in Scotland
Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 - best value guidance
Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 - community planning: advice notes
Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 - community planning: statutory guidance
Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 - power to advance well-being guidance
Managing schools during construction projects: Building our future: Scotland's school estate
Modernising the planning system
Modernising the planning system - unlocking planning's potential
Monitoring the national cycling strategy in Scotland
Moving on: a survey of travellers' views
Nature conservation designations and land values
New directions for land management schemes in Scotland's national parks
New industrial and commercial facilities in national park areas: size, location and design considerations
Obsolete commercial and industrial buildings
Park and ride in Scotland
Part 1 Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 - guidance for local authorities and national park authorities
People and place - regeneration policy statement
Planning for mode share in new developments
Poverty and social exclusion in rural Scotland
Prevention of environmental pollution from agricultural activity. Code of practice
Prior notification arrangements for agriculture and forestry buildings in Scotland
Provision of travel plans - mapping activity in Scotland
Public attitudes to access to the countryside
Public attitudes to windfarms
Public attitudes towards wind farms in Scotland
Public awareness of the built environment - final report
Recommendations of the advisory group on marine and coastal strategy - a follow up to Seas the opportunity: a strategy for the long term sustainability of Scotland's coasts and seas
Recycled aggregates in Scotland
Retail development survey 2004
Rethinking open space - open space provision and management: a way forward
Review and synthesis of the environmental impacts of aquaculture
Review of green belt policy in Scotland
Review of local transport strategies and RTRA reports - final report
Review of old mineral permissions
Review of regional transport strategies in the UK
Review of Scotland's cities - the analysis
Road furniture in the countryside - guidance for road and planning authorities and statutory undertakers
Road furniture in the countryside: guidance for road and planning authorities and statutory undertakers
Road safety and social inclusion
Role of Scottish local initiatives in implementing the principles of integrated coastal zone management
Rural accessibility
Rural community transport: a guide to good practice
Rural development regulation (EC) no 1257/1999 - rural development plan for Scotland (amended February 2005)
Safe place to live. Developing community based initiatives to promote road safety
School design: Building our future: Scotland's school estate
School design: optimising the internal environment: building our future: Scotland's school estate
School estate management plans: Building our future: Scotland's school estate