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Planning Inspectorate documents within the Construction Information Service
Advice on the section 52 'obtaining information about interests in land' process - Annex A Checklist and Annex B Table
Advice on the section 53 'rights of entry' to land process - Annex A Checklist and Annex B Table
Advice produced by the Planning Inspectorate for use by its Inspectors. Localism bill - Royal Assent and regional strategies (revised 27 July 2012)
Advice produced by the Planning Inspectorate for use by its Inspectors. Protected species advice - Natural England's revised approach
Advice produced by the Planning Inspectorate for use by its Inspectors. Regional strategies: forthcoming abolition
Annex 1 - Transboundary screening for the purposes of Regulation 32 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the EIA Regulations)
Annex 1 to Advice on Environmental Impact Assessment notification and consultation
Annex 2 - Transboundary screening for the purposes of Regulation 32 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the EIA Regulations)
Annex 2 to Advice on Environmental Impact Assessment notification and consultation
Annex to advice note 7 - presentation of the environmental statement. Version 1, December 2017
Annual statistical report: England 2012/13
Annual statistical report: England 2014/15
Appeals under section 208 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - a guide for appellants (tree replacement notices)
Appeals under section 71 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003. A guide for appellants (high hedges)
Appendix 1: Matrix 1 - identification of 'other development' for CEA
Appendix 1: WFD overview matrices
Appendix 2: Matrix 1 - assessment matrix
Applications to vary or revoke a modification or condition
Called-in planning applications: procedural guide
Certificate of lawful use or development appeals: procedural guide
Common land and village greens: inquiries and hearings into applications for consent to carry out works or deregister land (22 December 2022)
Consent to construct works on common land
Covid-19: returning to mainly virtual hearings and inquiries
Criteria for determining the procedure for planning, enforcement, advertisement and discontinuance notice appeals
Customer survey: study of customers' experience of the inquiry procedure
Definitive map orders (revised February 2007)
Development plan inquiries
Development plans examination - a guide to the process of assessing the soundness of development plan documents
Development plans examination - a guide to the process of assessing the soundness of statements of community involvement
Drafting development consent orders. Version 2
Enforcement against unlawful works on common land
Examining development plan documents - key points: learning from experience
Guidance for fast track reviews of specific policy issues for a local plan
Guidance for local planning authorities and others hosting virtual events for the Planning Inspectorate (December 2022)
Guidance for Programme Officers: local plan examinations
Guidance for submitting representations or comments. Video submission proforma
Guidance notes for the completion of site ownership certificates - planning appeal
Guidance on procedures for considering objections to definitive map and public path orders
Guidance on procedures for considering objections to definitive map and public path orders in Wales
Guide for interested parties taking part in enforcement appeals and lawful development certificate appeals proceeding by hearing - England
Guide for interested parties taking part in enforcement appeals and lawful development certificate appeals proceeding by inquiry - England
Guide to rule 6 for interested parties involved in an inquiry - enforcement appeals and certificate of lawful use or development appeals - England
Guide to Rule 6 for interested parties involved in an inquiry - planning appeals and called-in applications
Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals and lawful development certificate appeals proceeding by written representations - England
Guide to taking part in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeding by a hearing
Guide to taking part in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeding by an inquiry
Guide to taking part in planning and listed building consent appeals proceeding by written representations - England
Guide to waste management licensing appeals
Hedgerows - retention and replacement notices: guidance on the appeal procedures
Highways and cattle grids
Independent review of planning appeal inquiries - action plan
Local development frameworks - examining development plan documents: learning from experience
Local development frameworks - examining development plan documents: procedure guidance. 2nd edition
Local development frameworks - examining development plan documents: soundness guidance. 2nd edition
Local plans: taking part in examinations
Local plans: the examination process
London borough commons: (i) facilities for public recreation and (ii) street improvements
Maintaining and extending existing works
Model planning conditions: consultation
National planning policy framework (revised 13 August 2012)
Nationally significant infrastructure projects - advice note seven: Environmental Impact Assessment: process, preliminary environmental information and environmental statements. Version 7
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex A: Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/Natural Resources Wales
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex B: Marine Management Organisation
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex C: Natural England and the Planning Inspectorate
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex D: Environment Agency
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex E: Historic England
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex F: Nuclear Regulators
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process. Annex G: Health and Safety Executive
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process: Annex H - evidence plans for Habitats Regulations Assessments of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
Nationally significant infrastructure projects and the people and organisations involved in the process
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice for local authorities
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice for submitting representations or comments
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on cumulative effects assessment
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on cumulative effects assessment
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on EIA notification and consultation
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on good design
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on habitats regulations assessments
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the consultation report
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the preparation and submission of application documents
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the preparation and submission of application documents. Appendix 2 - preparing the application index to accompany an NSIP application
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the preparation and submission of application documents. Appendix 3 - section 55 acceptance of applications checklist
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the process for obtaining information about interests in land (under section 52 of the Planning Act 2008)
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the process for rights of entry to land (under section 53 of the Planning Act 2008)
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on the Water Framework Directive
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on transboundary impacts and process
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice on working with public bodies in the infrastructure planning process
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: advice pages
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: application fees charges from 1 April 2024/25
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: changes to an application after it has been accepted for examination
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: commitments register
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: development consent legislation
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: how to register to have your say and make a relevant representation
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: national policy statements
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: registering to speak at, or attend, a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project event
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: technical advice page for scoping solar development
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: the stages of the NSIP process and how you can have your say
Nationally significant infrastructure projects: what to expect at a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project event
Notes for councils on recruiting a Programme Officer
Notes for guidance for local authorities proposing to appropriate land forming part of a common or town or village green under section 229 of the Town and country planning act 1990 - Acquisition of land act 1981: section 19 certificate applications
Notes for the guidance of Programme Officers for inquiries held into objections to local plans and unitary development plans