Environment Agency documents within the Construction Information Service
- Above ground oil storage tanks (includes the 2006 update) (Withdrawn)
- Acting on your responses to the draft update to the river basin management plan and flood risk management plan consultations 2015
- Assessment and management of risks to buildings, building materials and services from land contamination
- Biodiversity: challenges for the water environment
- Blockage management guide
- Catchment flood management plans - annual report 2012
- Channel management handbook
- Cleaner coasts, healthier seas: the state of the marine environment in England and Wales
- Climate change impacts and adaptation
- Climate emergency: challenges for the water environment
- Climate proofing rural resource protection policies and strategies in Wales
- Closed loop ground source heating and cooling systems: exemption conditions
- Closed loop ground source heating and cooling systems: when you need a permit
- Collaborative research priorities for the Environment Agency 2016-2020
- Community engagement on climate adaptation - an evidence review
- Community engagement on climate adaptation - an evidence review
- Concrete bunds for oil storage tanks
- Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Benzo[a]pyrene
- Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Cadmium
- Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Chromium
- Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Inorganic cyanide (includes errata)
- Contaminants in soil: Collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Lead
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Benzene
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Ethylbenzene
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Inorganic arsenic
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Mercury
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Phenol
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Selenium
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Toluene
- Contaminants in soil: updated collation of toxicological data and intake values for humans. Xylene
- Contaminated land exposure assessment (CLEA) model: technical basis and algorithms (includes errata) (Withdrawn)
- Cost estimation for channel management - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for coastal protection - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for control assets - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for culverts - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for flood storage - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for flood warning and forecasting - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for fluvial defences - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for habitat creation - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for household flood resistance and resilience measures - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for land use and run-off - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for managed realignment - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for SUDS - summary of evidence
- Cost estimation for temporary and demountable defences - summary of evidence
- Dealing with contaminated land in England - a review of progress from April 2000 to December 2013 with part 2A of the Environmental protection act 1990
- Dealing with contaminated land in England. Progress in 2002 with implementing the Part IIA regime
- Design, operation and adaptation of reservoirs for flood storage
- Determination of Legionella bacteria in water and other environmental samples - part 1 - rationale of surveying and sampling
- Discharge of heat to ground from a single closed loop ground source heating and cooling system supplying residential premises
- Disposal of sewage where no mains drainage is available (Withdrawn)
- Energy and carbon implications of rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling
- Environment Agency's approach to groundwater protection
- European site protected areas: challenges for the water environment
- Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales
- Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales. Appendix A - flood and coastal erosion risk management governance evaluation framework
- Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales. Appendix B - flood and coastal erosion risk management in England: summary of evaluation findings
- Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales. Appendix C - flood and coastal erosion risk management governance in Wales: summary of evaluation findings
- Evaluating the effectiveness of flood and coastal erosion risk governance in England and Wales. Appendix D - summary of main enablers and barriers to adaptation in England and Wales
- Flood and coastal erosion risk management appraisal. Technical guidance
- Flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy action plan 2021
- Flood and coastal erosion risk management. Strategy roadmap to 2026. Ensuring progress towards a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change - today, tomorrow and to the year 2100
- Flood risk assessment: flood zones 1, 2, 3 and 3b
- Flood risk assessments: applying for planning permission
- Flood risk assessments: climate change allowances
- Flood risk asset maintenance and inspection: good practice guidance
- Flooding in England - a national assessment of flood risk
- Framework and tools for local flood risk assessment: project report
- Groundwater protection technical guidance
- Groundwater: confined and unconfined aquifers
- Guidance on monitoring of landfill leachate, groundwater and surface water
- Guidance on the assessment and monitoring of natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater
- Guidance on the management of landfill gas
- Guidance on the use of permeable reactive barriers for remediating contaminated groundwater
- Guidance on the use of stabilisation/solidification for the treatment of contaminated soil
- Guidance to spillway failure mechanisms
- Guide to good practice for the development of conceptual models and the selection and application of mathematical models of contaminant transport processes in the subsurface
- Harvesting rainwater for domestic uses: an information guide
- Horizontal guidance note H1 - annex J3: additional guidance for hydrogeological risk assessments for landfills and the derivation of groundwater control levels and compliance limits. Version 2.1
- How to model and map catchment processes when flood risk management planning
- How to prepare a strategic flood risk assessment
- Human health toxicological assessment of contaminants in soil
- Impact of climate change on asset deterioration
- Impact of climate change on asset deterioration. Appendix A - material degradation
- Impact of climate change on asset deterioration. Appendix B - asset deterioration assessments
- Impact of climate change on asset deterioration. Appendix C - quantification of vulnerability
- Impact of climate change on asset deterioration. Appendix D - impact analysis
- Indicators for land contamination
- Information on land quality in England: Sources of information (including background contaminants)
- Information on land quality in Wales: Sources of information (including background contaminants)
- Installation, decommissioning and removal of underground storage tanks
- Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Horizontal guidance for noise. Part 2 - noise assessment and control. Version 3
- Know when groundwater is vulnerable to pollution
- Land contamination risk assessment tools. An evaluation of some of the commonly used methods
- Long term costing tool: summary of evidence on cost estimation
- Masonry bunds for oil storage tanks
- Mine waters: challenges for the water environment
- Model procedures for the management of land contamination (Withdrawn)
- Movement and use of treated asphalt waste containing coal tar
- National assessment of flood and coastal erosion risk in England 2024