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Environment Agency documents within the Construction Information Service
National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England. Annex A
National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England. Annex B
National flood and coastal erosion risk management strategy for England. Annex C
National flood risk standing advice for local planning authorities
Natural flood management programme: evaluation report
Net zero technologies: environment impact summaries. Chief Scientist's group report
Oil storage regulations (Control of pollution (oil storage) (England) regulations 2001
Planning and transport authorities: get environmental advice on planning
Pollution prevention guidelines - managing fire water and major spillages (Withdrawn)
Preliminary flood risk assessment for England
Preparing a flood risk assessment: standing advice
Protect groundwater and prevent groundwater pollution
Quantifying the benefits of flood and coastal erosion risk management - stakeholder and community engagement and modelling, mapping and data
Quantifying the benefits of flood risk management actions and advice - flood incident management and property level response
Rainfall runoff management for developments
Regulation of the use of unbound pulverised fuel ash and furnace bottom ash
Removing or repurposing redundant reservoirs. Information and source document on discontinuing, abandoning or repurposing UK reservoirs
Research on using flood risk information in spatial planning. Evidence report: developing good practice criteria
Research on using flood risk information in spatial planning. Project report
Reservoir inspecting engineers: safety inspection of reservoirs
Reservoir safety research strategy
Reservoir supervising engineers: written statements and site visit reports
Reservoirs: how to manage your large raised reservoir
Risks of contaminated land to buildings, building materials and services. A literature review
River basin district map
River basin management plans, updated 2022: progress report
River habitat survey in Britain and Ireland
Safe operation of refuelling facilities
Secondary model procedure for the development of appropriate soil sampling strategies for land contamination
Social benefits of blue space: a systematic review
Soil guideline values for benzene in soil
Soil guideline values for cadmium in soil
Soil guideline values for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in soil
Soil guideline values for ethylbenzene in soil
Soil guideline values for inorganic arsenic in soil
Soil guideline values for mercury in soil
Soil guideline values for phenol in soil
Soil guideline values for selenium in soil
Soil guideline values for toluene in soil
Soil guideline values for xylene in soil
Spatial joint probability for flood and coastal risk management and strategic assessments - method report
Spillway design guide
Spillway examination guide
State of the environment: air quality
State of the environment: health, people and the environment
State of the environment: soil
State of the environment: the coastal and marine environment
State of the environment: the urban environment
State of the environment: water quality
State of the environment: water resources
Systems water management for catchment scale processes: development and demonstration of a systems analysis framework. Chief Scientist's Group report
Technical aspects of site investigation. Volume I (of II) Overview
Technical aspects of site investigation. Volume II (of II) Text supplements
Towards water neutrality in the Thames Gateway - summary report
Towns, cities and transport: challenges for the water environment
Understanding and addressing inequalities in air quality: summary
Update to the river basin management plans for England's water environment
Updated technical background to the CLEA model
Use and design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems (Withdrawn)
Using science to create a better place: less water to waste. Impact of reductions in water demand on wastewater collection and treatment systems
Using science to create a better place: The social impacts of heat waves
Using Soil guideline values
Valuing the benefits of blue-green infrastructure
Waste management 2016: England
Waste management 2017: England
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: Anglian river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: Humber river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: North West river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: Northumbria river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: Severn river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: South East river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: South West river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 1: Thames river basin district. River basin management plan - updated December 2015
Water for life and livelihoods - part 2: river basin management planning overview and additional information. River basin management plans
Water level management plans
Working with natural processes - the evidence base
Working with natural processes to reduce flood risk
Working with nature