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Corrosion Prevention Association documents within the Construction Information Service
A is for anode. A brief overview of the technical terms used in cathodic protection of steel in concrete
Acceptable electrical resistivities of concrete repairs for cathodic protection systems
An introduction to electrochemical rehabilitation techniques
Budget cost and anode performance information for impressed current cathodic protection of reinforced concrete highway bridges
Cathodic protection for buried and immersed structures
Cathodic protection for masonry buildings incorporating structural steel frames
Cathodic protection for new structures
Cathodic protection of early steel framed buildings
Cathodic protection of prestressed concrete
Cathodic protection of steel concrete: the international perspective
Cathodic protection of steel in concrete: frequently asked questions
Coating concrete
Continuity and shorts in electrochemical treatments
Corrosion inhibitors
Corrosion management of reinforced concrete structures
Corrosion mechanisms - an introduction to aqueous corrosion
Corrosion monitoring
Corrosion prevention: training and certification
Corrosion testing of concrete structures
Electrochemical re-alkalisation of steel reinforced concrete
Impressed current anodes for the cathodic protection of atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete
Measurement of electrical discontinuity for steel in concrete subject to cathodic protection and other electrochemical treatments
Monitoring and maintenance of CP systems. Protecting reinforced concrete structures and masonry-clad steel-framed buildings
Performance review of an ICCP for reinforced concrete structures
Principles and practice of galvanic cathodic protection for reinforced concrete structures
Reinforced concrete - history, properties and durability of reinforced concrete
Stray current
Surface preparation of concrete prior to installation of anode materials