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Cadw: Welsh Historic Monuments documents within the Construction Information Service
Ancient monuments in Wales - scheduled monument consent
Caring for historic landscapes
Caring for lost farmsteads
Caring for medieval church archaeology
Caring for prehistoric funerary and ritual monuments
Chapels in Wales - conservation and conversion (2003 reprint)
Converting historic farm buildings in Wales - a guide to good practice
Guide to good practice on using the register of landscapes of historic interest in Wales in the planning and development process
Heritage impact assessment in Wales
Historic buildings and conservation area grants (revised 2004)
Industrial workers' housing in Wales - care and conservation
Listed buildings in Wales - listed buildings consent
Managing change in world heritage sites in Wales
Managing change to listed buildings in Wales
Managing change to registered historic parks and gardens in Wales
Managing conservation areas in Wales
Managing historic character in Wales
Managing listed buildings at risk in Wales
Managing lists of historic assets of special local interest in Wales
Overcoming the barriers - providing physical access to historic buildings
Register of landscapes of outstanding historic interest in Wales
Register of landscapes of special historic interest in Wales
Renewable energy and your historic building - installing micro-generation systems: a guide to best practice
Repair and preservation of historic masonry
Setting of historic assets in Wales
Small rural dwellings in Wales - care and conservation
Traditional agricultural buildings in Wales - care and conservation
Traffic management in historic areas
Use of lime mortar in historic structures