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HM Treasury documents within the Construction Information Service
Accounting for the effects of climate change - supplementary green book guidance
Barker review of land use planning: final report - recommendations
Barker review of land use planning: interim report - analysis
Devolving decision making: 3 - meeting the regional economic challenge: the importance of cities to regional growth (includes corrigendum)
Eddington transport study - main report: transport's role in sustaining the UK's productivity and competitiveness
Eddington transport study - the case for action: Sir Rod Eddington's advice to Government
Enterprise and social exclusion
Extending home ownership
Fixing the foundations - creating a more prosperous nation. Cm 9098
Government response to high speed north
Government response to smart power
Government response to the National Infrastructure Commission report Infrastructure, towns and regeneration
Government response to transport for a world city
Green book. Central government guidance on appraisal and evaluation
Housing policy: an overview
Infrastructure carbon review
Infrastructure cost review - annual report 2012-13
Infrastructure cost review - main report
Infrastructure cost review - measuring and improving delivery
Infrastructure cost review - technical report
Infrastructure procurement routemap - a guide to improving delivery capability
Infrastructure procurement routemap - technical note on application
Intergenerational wealth transfers and social discounting - supplementary green book guidance
Investing in Britain's future. Cm 8669
Managing risks to the public: appraisal guidance
Modern government modern procurement
National infrastructure plan for skills
National infrastructure strategy
Optimism bias - supplementary green book guidance
Orange book. Management of risk - principles and concepts
Partnerships for prosperity - the Private Finance Initiative
Public private partnerships - the Government's approach
Review of housing supply - delivering stability: securing our future housing needs. Final report - recommendations
Risk management assessment framework: a tool for departments
Second review of the private finance initiative by Sir Malcolm Bates
Standardisation of PFI contracts. 3rd edition
Stern review: economics of climate change
Thinking about risk - managing your risk appetite: a practitioner's guide
Thinking about your risk - setting and communicating your risk appetite
Value for money and the valuation of public sector assets
Value for money assessment guidance
Valuing infrastructure spend - supplementary guidance to the green book
Well placed to deliver? Shaping the pattern of Government service - independent review of public sector relocation