National Highways documents within the Construction Information Service
- Air quality (vertical barriers) (formerly HA 207/07, IAN 170/12, IAN 174/13, IAN 175/13, part of IAN 185/15). Version 0.1.0
- Appendix A. Technical Approval Schedule (TAS). Schedule of documents relating to assessment of highway bridges and structures. (All documents are taken to include revisions current as of 21 October 2024)
- Appendix A. Technical Approval Schedule (TAS). Schedule of documents relating to design of highway bridges and structures. (All documents are taken to include revisions current as of 21 October 2024)
- Assessment and upgrading of in-service parapets (formerly BA 37/92, IAN 97/07) Version 0.1.0
- Assessment of concrete highway bridges and structures (formerly BD 44/15, BA 38/93, BA 40/93, BA 51/95 and BA 52/94) Version 1.1.0
- Bills of quantities for highway works (Amendment May 2009). (March 1998 edition, incorporating amendments up to and including May 2009). Section 1: Method of measurement for highway works
- Bills of quantities for highway works (Amendment May 2009). (March 1998 edition, incorporating amendments up to and including May 2009). Section 2 Notes for guidance on the method of measurement for highway works
- Bills of quantities for highway works (Amendment May 2009). (March 1998 edition, incorporating amendments up to and including May 2009). Section 3 Library of standard item descriptions for highway works
- Contract documents for specialist activities. Ground investigation. Method of measurement
- Control and communications technology. Design. Roadside technology and communications (formerly TD 17/85, TD 45/17, TD 71/16, TD 72/17, TD 73/16). Version 0.1.0
- Customer service standard - Reducing litter (formerly None). Version 1.0.0
- Customer service standard for accurate advance notification of planned closures (formerly CHE Memo 439/19)
- Design and implementation of temporary traffic management and road works. Version
- Design for new pavement construction (formerly HD 26/06). Version 0.1.0
- Design manual for roads and bridges index. 28-Feb-2025
- Design of highway drainage systems (formerly HD 33/16, TA 80/99). Version 2.1.0
- Design of lay-bys, maintenance hardstandings, rest areas, service areas and observation platforms (formerly TD 69/07, TA 66/95) Version 1.1.0
- Design of minor structures (formerly BD 94/17). Version 2.0.0
- Design of outfall and culvert details (formerly HA 107/04). Version 1.0.1
- Design of road tunnels (formerly BD 78/99). Version 0.0.1
- Design of soakaways (formerly HA 118/06). Version 1.1.0
- Determination of pipe and bedding combinations for drainage works (formerly HA 40/01). Version 1.1.0
- Determination of pipe roughness and assessment of sediment deposition to aid pipeline design (formerly HA 219/09). Version 1.1.0
- Documentation requirements for ground investigation contracts (Includes Amendment No.1 dated May 2005)
- Drainage asset data and risk management (formerly HD 43/04, IAN 147/11). Version 1.1.0
- Drainage design. Chamber tops and gully tops for road drainage and services (formerly HA 104/09, IAN 196/17, IAN 197/17)
- Drainage surveys (formerly SD 15/03). Version 1.0.0
- Drones operations (formerly CHE Memo 471/20). Version 1.0.1
- Edge of pavement details (formerly HA 39/98, HA 83/99). Version 0.1.0
- Electricity supply connections (formerly TG 511 which superseded IAN 132/11). Version 0.1.0
- Geometric design of at-grade priority and signal-controlled junctions (formerly TD 41/95, TD 42/95, TD 40/94, and those parts of TD 50/04 and TD 70/08 relating to priority and signal-controlled junctions). Version 2.1.0
- Geometric design of grade separated junctions (formerly TD 22/06, TD 39/94, TD 40/94). Version 1.1.1
- Geometric design of roundabouts (formerly TD 16/07, TD 50/04, TD 51/17, TD 54/07, TA 23/81, TA 78/97, TA 86/03, TD 70/08). Version 2.1.0
- Ground investigation procedure (Includes Amendment No.1 dated May 2005)
- Highway construction details. (Amendment November 2008). (March 1998 edition, incorporating amendments up to and including February 2017)
- Highway construction details. Carriageway markings for rural motorways
- Highway construction details. Concrete carriageway
- Highway construction details. Distance marker posts
- Highway construction details. Drainage
- Highway construction details. Edge of pavement details
- Highway construction details. Fences, stiles and gates
- Highway construction details. Flexible composite carriageway
- Highway construction details. Loop detectors
- Highway construction details. Miscellaneous
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0000-0130
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0131-0139
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0140-0149
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0150-0159
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0160-0169
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0170-0305
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0306-0336
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0337-0425
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0426-0489
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0490-0508
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0509-0551
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0552-0581
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0582-0589
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0590-0601
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0602-0799
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0800-0809
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0810-0819
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0820-0829
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0830-0850
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0851-0860
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0861-0870
- Highway construction details. National motorway communications system installation drawings: Series MCX 0871-1030
- Highway construction details. Underground cable ducts
- Hydraulic design of road edge surface water channels and outlets (formerly HA 37/17, HA 78/96, HA 113/05, HA 119/06). Version 1.1.0
- Implementation of model contract document for highway works
- Implementation of the Specification for highway works, Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works, the Highway construction details and the Bills of quantities for highway works. Amendment No. 1
- Implementation standard for trenchless installation of highway drainage and service ducts
- Infrastructure requirements for emergency access and egress from motorway and all-purpose trunk roads (formerly IAN 68/05). Version 0.0.1
- Inspection and assessment of road markings and road studs (formerly TD 26/17)
- Inspection of buried concrete box structures (formerly BA 88/04). Version 1.0.1
- Introduction to the Design manual for roads and bridges (formerly GG 101 revision 0). Version 0.1.0
- Introduction to the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW)
- Landscape design (formerly LA 117 Revision 1 which superseded HA 13/81, HA 55/92, HA 56/92, HA 57/92, HA 58/92, HA 60/92, HA 63/92, HA 85/01, HA 87/01, HA 88/01, HA 89/01, HA 92/01, HA 108/04, HA 115/05)
- Lists of compliant/approved/registered products (Incorporating Amendment No. 2 - November 2009)
- Maintenance of buried concrete box structures (formerly BA 88/04). Version 1.0.1
- Management of corrugated steel buried structures (formerly BA 87/04). Version 1.0.1
- Management of scour and other hydraulic actions at highway structures (formerly BD 97/12)
- Managing the maintenance of highway geotechnical assets (formerly HD 41/95). Version 0.0.1
- Manual of contract documents for highway works: Volume contents pages and volume index. November 2023
- Method of measurement (Includes amendment November 2006)
- Method of measurement and bills of quantities for mechanical and electrical works in road tunnels, movable bridges and bridge access gantries
- Model contract document for engineering and construction contract - England. November 2001
- Model contract document for ground investigation contracts - England
- New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 - Diversionary works
- Notes for guidance (Includes amendment November 2006)
- Notes for guidance on the specification for ground investigation
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022) (March 1998 edition, incorporating amendments up to and including October 2022)
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Annex 1 Publications referred to in the Notes for guidance
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 000 Introduction
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 100 Preliminaries
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1000 Road pavements - Concrete materials
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1100 Kerbs, footways, cycleways and paved areas
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1200 Traffic signs
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1300 Road lighting columns and brackets, CCTV masts and cantilever masts
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1400 Electrical work for road lighting and traffic signs
- Notes for guidance on the specification for highway works (Amendment October 2022). Series NG 1500 Highway communications