Highways England documents within the Construction Information Service
- As-built, operational and maintenance records for highway structures (formerly BD 62/07)
- Assessment of bridge substructures, retaining structures and buried structures (formerly BA 55/06). Revision 1
- Assessment of composite highway bridges and structures (formerly BD 61/10). Revision 1
- Assessment of Freyssinet concrete hinges in highway structures (formerly BE 5/75). Revision 1
- Assessment of highway bridge supports (formerly BD 48/93, BD 60/04 and IAN 91/07)
- Assessment of highway bridges and structures (formerly BD 21/01, BA 16/97 and BD 37/01). Revision 1
- Assessment of highway bridges and structures for the effects of special type general order (STGO) and special order (SO) vehicles (formerly BD 86/11)
- Assessment of steel highway bridges and structures (formerly BD 56/10)
- Asset delivery asset inspection requirements. Revision 1
- Asset delivery asset maintenance requirements. Revision 1
- Biodiversity (formerly Volume 11, Section 3, Part 4 Ecology and Nature Conservation and IAN 130/10). Revision 1
- Biodiversity design (formerly HA 59/92, HA 67/93, HA 80/99, HA 81/99, HA 84/01, HA 97/01, HA 98/01, HA 116/05, IAN 116/08, IAN 116/08(W))
- Bridge expansion joints (formerly BD 33/94, BA 26/94, IAN 168/12, IAN 169/12). Revision 1
- Cathodic protection for use in reinforced concrete highway structures (formerly BA 83/02). Revision 2
- Climate (formerly New)
- Conservation of highway structures (formerly BD 89/03)
- Cross-sections and headrooms (formerly TD 27/05, TD 70/08) Version 1.0.1
- Customer service standard for diversion routes for planned works and activities (formerly CHE Memo 448/19). Version 1.0.1
- Customer service standard for diversion routes for unplanned events (formerly CHE Memo 426/18)
- Customer service standard for scheme billboards (formerly CHE Memo 438/19)
- Customer service standard for the quality and timeliness of responses to customer contact
- Data for pavement assessment (formerly HD 29/08)
- Design and appearance of highway structures (formerly BA 41/98)
- Design criteria for collision protection beams (formerly BD 65/14)
- Design criteria for footbridges (formerly BD 29/17)
- Design for new pavement foundations (formerly IAN 73/06 revision 1 (2009), HD 25/94). Revision 1
- Design for pavement maintenance (formerly HD 30/08, HD 32/16)
- Design for walking, cycling and horse-riding (formerly TA 90/05, TA 91/05, TA 68/96, TD 36/93). Version 2.0.1
- Design of combined surface and sub-surface drains and management of stone scatter (formerly HD 217/18). Revision 1
- Design of corrugated steel buried structures (formerly BD 12/01). Revision 1
- Design of highway structures (formerly BD 100/16, BA 57/01, BD 57/01, IAN 124/11)
- Design of highway structures for hydraulic action (formerly BA 59/94). Revision 1
- Design of post-installed anchors and reinforcing bar connections in concrete (formerly IAN 104/15)
- Design requirements for permanent soffit formwork (formerly BA 36/90, with IAN 131/11)
- Designing for cycle traffic (formerly IAN 195/16) Version 1.0.1
- Designing health and safety into maintenance (formerly IAN 69/15). Revision 2
- Disposal of traffic signs (formerly TD 25/15). Revision 1
- Drainage of runoff from natural catchments (formerly HA 106/04)
- Drainage. Design. Spacing of road gullies (formerly HA 102/17). Revision 3
- Drainage. Design. Vortex separators for use with road drainage systems (formerly HD 220/18)
- Drainage. General information. Certification of drainage design (formerly HD 49/16, HD 50/16)
- Enclosure of bridges (formerly BD 67/96, BA 67/96). Revision 1
- Environmental assessment and monitoring (formerly HA 205/08, HD 48/08, IAN 125/15, and IAN 133/10). Revision 1
- Environmental management plans (formerly IAN 183/14 Environmental management plans, IAN 183/16 (W) Environmental management plans). Revision 1
- Footway and cycleway pavement design (formerly HD 39/16). Revision 1
- Formation of continuity joints in bridge decks (formerly BA/00)
- General principles and scheme governance. General information. Asbestos management (formerly GD 05/16)
- General principles and scheme governance. General information. Introduction and general requirements for sustainable development and design
- General principles and scheme governance. General information. Quality management systems for highway works (formerly GD 2/16)
- General principles and scheme governance. General information. Road safety audit (formerly HD 19/15). Revision 2
- General principles and scheme governance. General information. Specification for the use of computer aided design (formerly IAN 184/16)
- General requirements for geomatical surveys (formerly MCHW Volume 5 Section 1 Geodetic survey: Parts 1 - 4). Version 1.0.0
- Highway structures and bridges. Design. Application of whole-life costs for design and maintenance of highway structures (formerly BD 36/92 and BA 28/92)
- Highway structures and bridges. Design. Design of fibre reinforced polymer bridges and highway structures (formerly BD 90/05)
- Highway structures and bridges. Design. Design rules for aerodynamic effects on bridges (formerly BD 49/01)
- Highway structures and bridges. Design. Impact test and assessment criteria for trunk mounted attenuators (formerly TD 49/07)
- Highway structures and bridges. Design. Weathering steel for highway structures (formerly BD 7/01)
- Highway structures and bridges. General information. Quality assurance scheme for paints and similar protective coatings (formerly BD 35/14)
- Highway structures and bridges. Inspection and assessment. Load testing for bridge assessment (formerly BA 54/94)
- Highway structures and bridges. Maintenance and operation. Maintenance painting of steelwork (formerly BD 87/05)
- Highway structures: Design (substructures and special structures) material. Materials and components. Use of recycled concrete aggregate in structural concrete (Withdrawn)
- Identification marking of highway structures (formerly BD 45/93)
- Impregnation of reinforced and prestressed concrete highway structures using hydrophobic pore-lining impregnants (formerly BD 43/03)
- Index of interim advice notes
- Inspection and records for road tunnel systems (formerly BD 53/95)
- Inspection of highway structures (formerly BD 63/17). Version 0.1.0
- Inspection of traffic signs (formerly TD 25/15). Revision 2
- Maintenance of road tunnels (formerly BA 72/03)
- Maintenance of traffic signs (formerly TD 25/15). Revision 1
- Major schemes: Enabling handover into operation and maintenance (formerly IAN 182/14). Revision 1
- Management of post-tensioned concrete bridges (formerly BD 54/15)
- Management of sub-standard highway structures (formerly BD 79/13)
- Managing geotechnical risk (formerly HD 22/08, BD 10/97, HA 120/08)
- Noise and vibration (formerly HD 213/11, IAN 185/15). Revision 2
- Non-destructive testing of highways structures (formerly BA 86/06). Revision 1
- Operational requirements for incident management
- Operational requirements for severe weather (formerly Severe weather plan template)
- Pavement surface repairs (formerly HD 31/94, HD 32/16)
- Portal and cantilever signs/signals gantries (formerly BD 51/14, IAN 193/16, BE 7/04). Revision 1
- Raising the bar 1. Plant and equipment
- Raising the bar 27. Managing temporary traffic management incursions. Revised June 2018
- Raising the bar 4. Temporary vehicle restraint systems (TVRS)
- Raising the bar 5. Behavioural based safety
- Raising the bar 7. Overhead structure and services protection
- Raising the bar 8. Manual handling
- Repair and management of deteriorated concrete highway structures (formerly BA 35/90, BA 52/94)
- Requirements and guidance on temporary traffic management short term lane closures for relaxation works, types 0, 1 and 2
- Requirements for new and upgraded all-purpose trunk roads (expressways). Revision 2
- Requirements for road restraint systems (formerly TD 19/06). Revision 4
- Requirements for topographical surveys (formerly MCHW Volume 5 Section 1 Geodetic survey: Parts 1 - 4 - SD12/96). Version 1.0.0
- Requirements for works on the hard shoulder and road side verges on high speed dual carriageways (formerly IAN 115/08 revision 2)
- Risk management and structural assessment of concrete deck hinge structures (formerly BA 93/09). Revision 1
- Risk management and structural assessment of concrete half-joint deck structures (formerly IAN 53/04 and BA 39/93 (plus part of BD 44/15))
- Road drainage and the water environment (formerly HD 45/09). Revision 1
- Road layout. Design. Design of crossovers and changeovers (formerly TA 92/03). Revision 1
- Road layout. Design. Driver location signs (formerly IAN 93/10). Revision 2
- Road layout. Design. Highway link design (formerly TD 9/93, TD 70/08)
- Road layout. Design. Traffic signs to retail destinations and exhibition centres (formerly TD 53/05)
- Road layout. General information. Traffic signs to tourist destinations and leisure facilities (formerly TD 52/17)
- Road lighting appraisal (formerly TA 49/07)