Health Facilities Scotland documents within the Construction Information Service
- Adult acute mental health units
- Best practice guidance for healthcare engineering. Policies and principles
- Cancer treatment facilities
- Cardiac facilities
- Circulation and communication spaces
- Clinical and clinical support spaces
- Confined Spaces policies, procedures and guidance
- Control of Legionella, hygiene, 'safe' hot water, cold water and drinking water systems. Emerging technologies. Part A: Solar domestic hot water heating
- Control of Legionella, hygiene, 'safe' hot water, cold water and drinking water systems. Emerging technologies. Part B: Rainwater harvesting
- Control of Legionella, hygiene, 'safe' hot water, cold water and drinking water systems. Emerging technologies. Part C: Grey water recovery
- Control of Legionella, hygiene, 'safe' hot water, cold water and drinking water systems. Part D: Disinfection of domestic water systems
- Control of Legionella, hygiene, 'safe' hot water, cold water and drinking water systems. Part F: Chloramination of water supplies
- Critical care units
- Decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) ultrasound probes in endoscope decontamination unit. Part A: management
- Decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) ultrasound probes in endoscope decontamination units. Part B: general requirements for decontamination equipment and test equipment provision
- Decontamination of flexible thermolabile endoscopes and Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) ultrasound probes in endoscope decontamination units. Part C: dry and wet leak testers, and manual clean flushing unit equipment
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part A: management
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part B: test equipment/methods
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part C: sterilization by steam
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part D: automated cleaning and disinfection equipment
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part E: sterilization by Hydrogen Peroxide or Ethylene Oxide
- Decontamination of medical devices in a Central Decontamination Unit. Part F: inspect, assemble and package
- Decontamination of thermolabile flexible endoscopes and Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) ultrasound probes in endoscope decontamination units. Part D: automated endoscope washer disinfectors
- Decontamination of thermolabile flexible endoscopes and Transoesophageal Echocardiograph (TOE) ultrasound probes in endoscope decontamination units. Part E: storage cabinets and packing systems for containment of disinfected endoscopes
- Dementia-friendly health and social care environments
- Diagnostic imaging: PACS and specialist imaging
- Electrical safety guidance for high voltage systems
- Electrical safety guidance for low voltage systems
- Electrical services supply and distribution. Part A: design considerations
- Electrical services supply and distribution. Part B: operational management
- Facilities for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
- Facilities for pathology services
- Facilities for surgical procedures. Volume 1
- General design guidance for healthcare buildings
- HAI-SCRIBE. Implementation strategy and assessment process
- HAI-SCRIBE. Questionsets and checklists
- Hospital accommodation for children and young people
- In-patient facilities for older people
- Manual. Information for design teams, construction teams, estates and facilities and infection prevention and control teams
- Medical gas pipeline systems. Part A: design, installation, validation and verification
- Medical gas pipeline systems. Part B: Operational management
- Medicines management: Pharmacy and radiopharmacy facilities
- Medicines storage in clinical areas
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Atria in healthcare premises
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Fire alarm and detection systems
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Fire precautions in existing healthcare premises
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Fire precautions in new healthcare premises
- NHS Scotland Firecode: general fire precautions - fire safety training
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Guidance on the fire engineering of healthcare premises
- NHS Scotland Firecode: Textiles and furniture
- NHSScotland firecode: fire risk assessment. Version 6.0
- Planning for a resilient healthcare estate
- Pressure systems: policies and guidance
- Renal care: Main renal unit
- Renal care: Satellite dialysis unit
- Sanitary spaces
- Security services standards for NHSScotland security leads
- SHTM building component series. Ceilings
- SHTM building component series. Cubicle curtain track
- SHTM building component series. Demountable storage system
- SHTM building component series. Fitted storage system
- SHTM building component series. Flooring
- SHTM building component series. Internal doorsets
- SHTM building component series. Internal glazing
- SHTM building component series. Ironmongery
- SHTM building component series. Laboratory fitting out system
- SHTM building component series. Partitions
- SHTM building component series. Protection
- SHTM building component series. Sanitary assemblies
- SHTM building component series. User manual
- SHTM building component series. Windows
- Specialised ventilation for healthcare premises. Part A: the concept, design, specification, installation and acceptance testing of healthcare ventilation systems. Interim version 3.0 - additional guidance related to COVID 19 to be added in an update in 2022
- Specialised ventilation for healthcare premises. Part B: the management, operation, maintenance and routine testing of existing healthcare ventilation systems. Interim version 2.0 - additional guidance related to COVID 19 to be added in an update in 2022
- Specialist services: acoustics
- Specialist services: Bedhead services
- Specialist services: Building management systems. Part A - overview and management responsibilities
- Specialist services: Building management systems. Part B - design considerations
- Specialist services: Building management systems. Part C - validation and verification
- Specialist services: Building management systems. Part D - operational management
- Specialist services: Lifts
- Specialist services: Pathology laboratory gas systems
- Specialist services: Pneumatic tube transport systems. Part A: Overview and management responsibilities
- Specialist services: pneumatic tube transport systems. Part B: design considerations and good practice guide
- Transport management and car parking
- Water safety for healthcare premises. Part A: Design, installation and testing
- Water safety for healthcare premises. Part B: Operational management
- Water safety for healthcare premises. Part C: TVC testing protocols
- Water safety for healthcare premises. Part E: Alternative materials and filtration
- Water safety for healthcare premises. Part G: Operational procedures and exemplar written scheme