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Department for Infrastructure documents within the Construction Information Service
Attitudes to walking, cycling and public transport in Northern Ireland 2018/19
Attitudes to walking, cycling and public transport in Northern Ireland 2019/2020
Chief planner's update
Chief planner's update
Chief planner's update
Chief planner's update 4
Chief planner's update 5
Chief planner's update 6
Compulsory purchase and compensation. Frequently asked questions for road schemes
Consultation process and duty to respond
Consultations in the planning application process: operating principles for planning authorities and consultees
Covid-19 emergency planning guidance (PACC). Pre-application community consultation (PACC) - temporary removal of public event requirement
Cycling in Northern Ireland 2016/17
Cycling in Northern Ireland 2017/18
Cycling in Northern Ireland 2019/2020
DEM 168/22 Specification of surfacing aggregate PSV (minimum) for use on the 'minor' road network
DFI Roads guidelines for the acquisition of land/property for major road development in Northern Ireland
Enforcement procedures
Exercise explore enjoy - a strategic plan for greenways
Explanatory notes on applying for planning permission, approval of reserved matters and other types of planning consent
Explanatory notes on applying for planning permission, approval of reserved matters and other types of planning consent
Guidance on accessibility analyses and the preparation of planning policies for transport
Hazardous substances controls
Hierarchy of developments
Historic environment
Housing growth indicators - 2016-based
Implementation of strategic planning policy on development in the countryside
Introduction to planning enforcement
Investigative approaches
Learning from a collaborative placemaking project: Better Bedford Street
Legislative framework
Living places - an urban stewardship and design guide for Northern Ireland (revised October 2019)
Meaning of development and the requirement for planning permission
Northern Ireland flood risk assessment (NIFRA) 2018
Northern Ireland planning development management statistics. 2013/14 annual statistical bulletin (April 2013 - March 2014)
Northern Ireland planning development management statistics. 2014/15 annual statistical bulletin (April 2014 - March 2015)
Northern Ireland planning monitoring framework 2018/19
Northern Ireland planning monitoring framework 2019/20
Northern Ireland planning statistics - 2015/16 annual statistical bulletin
Northern Ireland planning statistics - 2016/17 annual statistical bulletin
Northern Ireland planning statistics - 2017/18 annual statistical bulletin
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin (April 2018 - March 2019: final figures)
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin (April 2019 - March 2020: final figures)
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin 2020/21. April 2020 to March 2021: final figures
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin 2021/22. April 2021 to March 2022: final figures
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin 2022/23. April 2022 to March 2023
Northern Ireland planning statistics. Annual statistical bulletin 2023/24. April 2023 to March 2024
Northern Ireland road network and condition statistics 2023-24
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2015-16
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2016-17
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2017-18
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2018-2019
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2019-2020
Northern Ireland transport statistics 2020-2021
Notification and call in of applications
Overview of planning enforcement responsibilities
Planning fees
Planning fees - explanatory notes for applicants (with effect from 8th May 2016)
Planning for the future of transport. Time for change
Planning your place: getting involved
Practical application of strategic planning policy for 'development in proximity to reservoirs'
Pre-determination hearings
Private streets - developer's information pack: street lighting installation adoption
Private streets - standard details
Private streets - street lighting adoption: developer's information pack
Protecting, enhancing and restoring natural places: an environmental mission statement for infrastructure development and management
Second cycle. Northern Ireland flood risk management plan 2021-2027
Section 54 applications
Section 76 planning agreements
Submission and handling of representations
Submitting development plan documents for independent examination
Technical flood risk guidance in relation to allowances for climate change in Northern Ireland
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2013-2015
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2014-2016
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2015-2017
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2016-2018
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2017-2019
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2020
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - headline report 2021
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - in-depth report 2013-2015
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - in-depth report 2014-2016
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - in-depth report 2016-2018
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - in-depth report 2021
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2013-2015
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2014-2016
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2015-2017
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2016-2018
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2017-2019
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2020
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - technical report 2021
Travel survey for Northern Ireland - urban-rural report 2014-2016
Travel survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) additional tables report 2013-2015
Travel survey for Northern Ireland headline report 2016-2018
Travel survey for Northern Ireland in-depth report 2015-2017
Travel survey for Northern Ireland in-depth report 2017-2019
Travel survey for Northern Ireland in-depth report 2020
Types of planning applications
Walking and cycling in Northern Ireland 2023/2024
Walking, cycling and public transport in Northern Ireland 2017/18