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Department for Culture, Media and Sport documents within the Construction Information Service
Better places to live - government, identity and the value of the historic and built environment
Code of practice for wireless network development in England
Consultation on changes to the listed building consent system - impact assessment
Consultation: proposed changes to siting requirements for broadband cabinets and overhead lines to facilitate the deployment of superfast broadband networks
Culture at the heart of regeneration
DCMS sustainable development action plan 2008-2011
Disposal of historic buildings - guidance note for government departments and non departmental public bodies
Ecclesiastical exemption - ecclesiastical exemption (listed buildings and conservation areas) order 2010: a consultation
Government response to the consultation on improving listed building consent
Government's statement on the historic environment for England 2010
Guidance on access agreements
Heritage protection for the 21st century - regulatory impact assessment
Heritage protection for the 21st century - white paper. Cm 7057
Heritage statement 2017
Historic environment: a force for our future
Improving listed building consent - a consultation
Leading the good life - guidance on integrating cultural and community strategies
Microtrenching and street works: an advice note for local authorities and communications providers
New build homes: superfast broadband connectivity options
Operation of the ecclesiastical exemption and related planning matters for places of worship in England - draft guidance
Principles of selection for listed buildings
Protecting our historic environment: making the system work better
Review of heritage protection: the way forward
Section 55 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Guidance note on procedure for the Secretary of State to issue a determination
Sustainable development strategy
Upkeep and repair of historic buildings. The use of Sections 47, 54, 55 and 76 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended
World heritage for the nation - identifying, protecting and promoting our world heritage: Government response to a consultation