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Department for Business, Innovation and Skills documents within the Construction Information Service
Adaptation and resilience (climate change) (A and RCC) - report for 2011/12
BIS analytical paper. UK construction: an economic analysis of the sector
BIS ninth statement of new regulation - regulations covering January-June 2015
Building a responsible payment culture: Government response
Changing to compete - review of productivity and skills in UK engineering construction
Conformity assessment and accreditation policy in the United Kingdom
Draft explanatory memorandum to the Construction contracts (England) exclusion order 2011
Final impact assessment for recast of the Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) directive
Focus on enforcement regulatory reviews. Enforcement of the Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005
Foresight international dimensions of climate change - final project report
Government response to the Penfold review of non-planning consents
Healthy high street? A health check for high streets and town centres
Impact assessment for the Pressure equipment (amendment) regulations 2015. SI 2015/399
Implementation of the Penfold review
Implementation of the Penfold review of non-planning consents - progress update
Infrastructure supply chains - barriers and opportunities
Land use futures - making the most of land in the 21st century: final project report
Mid-term review. January 2011. Foresight project: flood and coastal defence
Ninth statement of new regulation (SNR9)
One year review. February 2010 - May 2011. Foresight project: land use futures
Penfold review of non-planning consents - final report
Progress update on implementation of the Penfold review of non-planning consents
Review of coastal projects and investments
Scheme for construction contracts (England and Wales) regulations 1998 - analysis of consultation responses
Smart cities: background paper
Solid wall insulation: unlocking demand and driving up standards
Strategy for sustainable construction - progress report
Strengthening UK supply chains: Public procurement. Tunnelling: A capability analysis
Summary of revisions to monthly statistics of building materials and components publications
Supply chain analysis into the construction industry
Systems maps - land use futures project
Trade credit in the UK construction industry: an empirical analysis of construction contractor financial positioning and performance
UK low carbon industrial strategy