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Council of Europe documents within the Construction Information Service
Achieving a balance between historic preservation and urban development
Achieving full participation through universal design
Archaeological heritage - the Council of Europe initiatives and the Valletta convention (1992): tracking down the traces to understand the present
Code of practice for the introduction of biological and landscape diversity considerations into the transport sector
Conserving European biodiversity in the context of climate change
Effects of wind farms on birds
Funding the architectural heritage: a guide to policies and examples
Guidance on urban rehabilitation
Guidelines for the protection of the architectural heritage
Landscape and sustainable development: challenges of the European landscape convention
Landscape dimensions - reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European landscape convention
Landscape diversity: a chance for the rural community to achieve a sustainable future
Neighbourhood services in disadvantaged urban areas and in areas of low population
Pan-European biological and landscape diversity strategy
Role and representation of women in urban and regional planning aiming at sustainable development
Roma, gypsies, travellers
Spatial development glossary - European conference of Ministers responsible for spatial/regional planning (CEMAT)
Strategies for sustainable development in urban regions in Europe