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BSRIA Limited documents within the Construction Information Service
Heating controls in large spaces
How to procure soft landings - Specification and supporting guidance for clients, consultants and contractors
HVAC thermal storage: practical application and performance issues
HVAC troubleshooting
Illustrated guide to electrical building services. 3rd edition
Illustrated guide to hot and cold water services
Illustrated guide to mechanical building services. 3rd edition
Illustrated guide to mechanical cooling
Illustrated guide to renewable technologies. 2nd edition
Illustrated guide to ventilation (June 2010 update)
Improving M and E site productivity
Indoor air quality
Innovative M and E data sheets
Installation requirements and specifications for condition based maintenance
Legionella at a glance. 3rd edition
Legionellosis control - log book (Withdrawn)
Legionnaires' disease - operation and maintenance log book
Legionnaires' disease - risk assessment
Library of system control strategies
Life cycle assessment: an introduction
Life cycle costing (amended February 2017)
Life safety and firefighting power supplies. 2nd edition
Maintenance contracts: a guide to best practice for procurement
Maintenance programme set-up
Making natural ventilation work
Marketing the integrated team. A toolkit for teamwork and brand-building
Mechanical criteria
Megatrends - urbanisation
Megatrends: demographics
Megatrends: globalisation
Megatrends: smart building technology
Model commissioning plan
Model demonstration project
Model format for building services specifications
Noise in the built environment
Offsite construction for building services
Partnering kit: a guide for the whole supply chain (includes amendment June 2016)
Partnering kit: a guide for the whole supply chain (includes amendment June 2016). Toolkit proforma spreadsheet
Pitstopping - BSRIA's reality checking process for Soft Landings
Practical guide to building thermal modelling
Pre-commission cleaning of pipework systems. Amended 6th edition. Version A (Including August 2021 amendment)
Prefabrication and preassembly - applying the techniques to building engineering services
Pressurisation of closed heating and cooling systems
Primary school carbon footprinting
Project information process
Promoting innovation - conditions, mechanisms and methodologies
Rainwater and greywater in buildings: project report and case studies
Recycling building services
Refrigerants in building services
Refurbishment for net zero - summary of the BSRIA online conference
Refurbishment of air-conditioned buildings for natural ventilation
Refurbishment of concrete buildings: structural and services options
Refurbishment of concrete buildings: the decision to refurbish
Room air distribution: design and evaluation
Safe thermal imaging of electrical systems (up to 1000V a.c.)
Safety in building services design. 2nd edition
Seasonal commissioning
Selection of control valves in variable flow systems
Services co-ordination with structural beams: guidance for a defect-free interface
Services in structural framed timber buildings
Services in timber framed construction. Guidance to a defect-free interface
Services integration with concrete buildings: guidance for a defect-free interface
Site productivity 2002: a guide to the uptake of improvements
Soft landings and business-focused maintenance
Soft landings and design for performance
Soft landings and government soft landings: a convergence guide for construction projects
Soft landings case studies 2019
Soft landings core principles. 2nd edition
Soft landings for fit-outs
Soft landings for schools - case studies
Soft landings framework 2018. Six phases for better buildings
Space allowances for building services distribution systems - detail design stage
Space and weight allowances
Space and weight allowances for building services plant - inception stage design
Specification for the procurement of building services operation and maintenance
Standard specification for thermal imaging of LV electrical installations
Standard specification for thermal imaging of non-electrical building services installations
Standard specifications for BMS
Structural fixings for ductwork systems
Success criteria for soft landings projects
Supporting services from structure: guidance for a defect free interface
Sustainable housing - options for independent energy, water supply and sewerage
Test method for heat interface units (amended June 2016)
Test method for PICVs and DPCVs
Thermal comfort
Thermal imaging of building fabric
Thermal imaging of buildings - a pocket guide
Underfloor heating and cooling (amended January 2024)
Understanding acoustic performance data
Useful information guide (amended April 2024)
Utility connections and diversions: Planning, design and installation
Value engineering of building services (including 2005 amendment) (withdrawn 2012)
Value of BREEAM
Variable flow water systems: design, installation and commissioning guidance (includes erratum July 2010)
VRF based air conditioning systems - performance, installation and operation notes
Water reclamation guidance: design and construction of systems using grey water
Water reclamation standard: laboratory testing of systems using grey water
Water treatment for closed heating and cooling systems. 2nd edition
Wearables and wellbeing in buildings - the story so far
Weather louvre specification guide