British Board of Agrément documents within the Construction Information Service
- A Proctor Group Limited. Framepro W1. For use in timber frame, steel frame, sip panel and masonry constructions. Product sheet 1
- A Proctor Group Limited. PROCTORWRAP. For use in timber frame, steel frame, sip panel and masonry constructions. Product sheet 1
- A Proctor Group Ltd. Wraptite breather membrane. For use in wall and floor constructions. Product sheet 2
- A Proctor Group Ltd. Wraptite breather membrane. For use in warm non-ventilated roofs in supported applications. Product sheet 1
- A Proctor Group. Protech gas resistant membranes. Protech VOC flex. Product sheet 1
- A. Proctor Group Ltd. Proctor air roof tile underlays. Proctor air roof tile underlay for use in cold non-ventilated pitched roofs. Product Sheet 1
- A. Proctor Group Ltd. Proctor air roof tile underlays. Proctor air roof tile underlay for use in warm non-ventilated and cold ventilated pitched roofs. Product Sheet 2
- ACE Geosynthetics Enterprise Co Ltd. ACE Geosynthetics. ACEGrid geogrids for basal reinforcement. Product sheet 1
- ACS Facades Limited. Brick slip support systems. Certus brick slip cladding system. Product sheet 1
- ACS Stainless Steel Fixing Ltd. ACS Azure brick slip masonry support systems. ACS Azure brick faced lintels. Product sheet 1
- ACS Stainless Steel Fixing Ltd. ACS Azure brick slip masonry support systems. ACS Azure brick faced soffit units. Product sheet 2
- ACS Stainless Steel Fixing Ltd. ACS cavity trays. G-Tray stainless steel cavity trays. Product sheet 1
- Actis Insulation Limited. Eolis HC. Eolis HC for pitched roofs. Product sheet 1
- Actis Insulation Limited. Hybris insulation for walls and roofs. Hybris for pitched roofs. Product sheet 2
- Actis Insulation Limited. Hybris insulation for walls and roofs. Hybris for timber frame walls. Product sheet 1
- Adfil Ltd, Adfil SF86 steel fibre reinforced concrete for suspended ground floor slabs, Adfil steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC). Product sheet 1
- Advanced Construction Systems Ltd. Advanced construction systems cladding products. Fastclad A2. Product sheet 1
- AG Plastics NV. AG Plastics rooflights and kerbs. Skylux PC rooflights and kerbs. Product sheet 1
- Agrob Buchtal GmbH. Kera facades systems. KeraTwin K20 cladding system. Product sheet 1
- AGS System Ltd. AGS Cladding support system. AGS Rainscreen cladding support system. Product Sheet 1
- AirEx Technologies Ltd. Air Brick. Airex Air Brick. Product Sheet 1
- AkzoNobel. Armstead Trade masonry paints. Armstead Trade pliolite masonry paint. Product sheet 1
- AkzoNobel. Armstead trade masonry paints. Armstead Trade smooth masonry paint. Product sheet 2
- Alchimica SA. Alchimica roof waterproofing system. Hyperdesmo. Product sheet 1
- Alderburgh Ltd. Alderburgh gas-resistant membrane. Alderprufe GRA gas barrier. Product sheet 1
- Aliaxis UK Ltd. Studor drainage ventilation systems. Studor maxi-vent and Studor mini-vent air admittance valves. Product sheet 1
- Aliaxis UK Ltd. Studor drainage ventilation systems. Studor P.A.P.A (positive air pressure attenuator) device. Product sheet 1
- Altherm Build Ltd t/a Altherm. Altherm insulated concrete formwork. Iglu global block. Product sheet 1
- Alumasc Building Products Limited. Caltech UV systems. Caltech UV. Product Sheet 1
- Alumasc Building Products Ltd t/a Timloc Building Products. Timloc roof tile underlays. Timloc breathable membranes for use in cold non-ventilated roofs. Product Sheet 2
- Alumasc Building Products Ltd t/a Timloc Building Products. Timloc roof tile underlays. Timloc breathable membranes for use in warm non-ventilated and cold ventilated roofs. Product Sheet 1
- Alumasc Building Products Ltd. Derbigum roofing membranes. Derbigum Black and Mineral. Product sheet 1
- Alumasc Building Products Ltd. Euroroof Caltech Liquid Applied Roof Waterproofing. Caltech Alpha. Product Sheet 1
- Alumasc Building Products Ltd. Euroroof Caltech liquid applied waterproofing. Caltech FCP. Product sheet 1
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd t/a Alumasc Water Management Solutions. Alumasc rainwater systems. Alumasc GX Joggle, smooth, moulded gutter systems. Product sheet 3
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd t/a Alumasc Water Management Solutions. Alumasc rainwater systems. Alumasc half round gutter systems. Product sheet 1
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd t/a Alumasc Water Management Solutions. Alumasc rainwater systems. Alumasc OGEE gutter systems. Product sheet 2
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd t/a Alumasc Water Management Solutions. Alumasc rainwater systems. Alumasc polyester coated rainwater systems. Product sheet 4
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd. Derbigum roofing waterproofing systems. Derbigum high performance roofing system. Product sheet 1
- Alumasc Exterior Building Products Ltd. Hydrotech monolithic membranes. Hydrotech monolithic membrane 6125 damp-proofing system. Product sheet 2
- Aluminium Roofline Products Ltd. Aluminium Roofline Products guttering systems. Mustang gutter and accessories. Product sheet 1
- Anglia Brick Cutting Ltd. Anglia Brick Cutting Ltd. Lightweight brick clad insulated panel. Product sheet 1
- Anglian Windows Limited. Anglian home improvement PVC-U window systems. Anglian White Knight outward opening and tilt and turn PVC-U window systems. Product sheet 1
- Anglian Windows Limited. Anglian home improvements PVC-U door systems. Anglian White Knight residential doorset. Product sheet 1
- Anglian Windows Limited. Anglian home improvements PVC-U door systems. Anglian White Knight sliding patio door. Product sheet 1
- Anglian Windows Limited. Enhanced security to PAS 24 for Product sheet 1. Anglian White Knight outward opening system.
- Apex Brickcutters (Midlands) Limited. Apex Brickcutters (Midlands) Limited. Lightweight brick clad insulated panel. Product sheet 1
- Apex Brickcutters Limited. Apex Brickcutters Limited. Lightweight brick clad insulated panel. Product sheet 1
- Architectural Panel Solutions Limited. Petrarch cladding systems. Petrarch A2 rainscreen cladding panel system. Product sheet 1
- Architectural Panel Solutions Ltd. Downer cladding support systems. Downer rainscreen cladding support systems. Product sheet 1
- Ariel Plastics Ltd. Harcon GRP valley trough and flashing range. Harcon GRP dry valley troughs. Product sheet 4
- Ariel Plastics Ltd. Harcon GRP valley trough and flashing range. Harcon GRP secret gutter type C and dry fix joining gutter DBG. Product sheet 3
- Ariel Plastics Ltd. Harcon GRP valley trough and flashing range. Harcon GRP valley trough type B. Product sheet 2
- Ariel Plastics Ltd. Harcon GRP valley trough and flashing range. Harcon GRP valley troughs types A, D and E. Product sheet 1
- Artbrick Ltd. Artbrick coating systems. Artbrick. Product sheet 1
- Ash and Lacy Holdings Limited. Ashzip standing se am roof systems. Ashzip 300 and Ashzip 400 double-skin roof systems. Product sheet 1
- Ash and Lacy Holdings Ltd. Ash and Lacy cladding system. Axial supporting system. Product sheet 1
- Ash and Lacy Holdings Ltd. Ash and Lacy cladding system. Mechslip cladding system and axial supporting system. Product sheet 1
- Ash and Lacy Holdings Ltd. Ash and Lacy cladding system. Natural-X cladding system and axial supporting system. Product sheet 1
- Assa Abloy Ltd t/a Yale Door and Window Solutions. Yale espagnolette locking systems. Yale encloser espagnolettes. Product sheet 1
- Assa Abloy Ltd t/a Yale Door and Window Solutions. Yale espagnolette locking systems. Yale shootbolts. Product sheet 2
- Axter Ltd. Axter bitumen roof waterproofing systems. Axter Excel roof waterproofing system. Product sheet 1
- Axter Ltd. Axter cold liquid waterproofing and surfacing systems. Starcoat PMMA roof waterproofing system. Product sheet 1
- Axter Ltd. Axter second generation hot melt structural waterproofing systems. Hyraflex second generation monolithic hot melt structural waterproofing system. Product sheet 1
- Axter Ltd. Axter second generation hot melt structural waterproofing systems. Hyraflex second generation monolithic hot melt trafficked deck waterproofing system. Product sheet 2
- Axter Ltd. Axter second generation hot melts structural waterproofing systems. Wilotekt-Plus second generation monolithic hot melt structural waterproofing system.
- Axter Ltd. Axter Single PLY PVC Roof Waterproofing Systems. Ecoflex ADH roof waterproofing membranes. Product sheet 1
- Axter Ltd. Axter Single PLY PVC Roof Waterproofing Systems. Ecoflex FM waterproofing membranes. Product sheet 2
- Bailey Products Limited. Bailey Bitumen Roof Waterproofing Systems. Bailey System 5000 FR SA. Product Sheet 1
- Ballytherm Ltd. Ballytherm Insulation. Ballytherm BTDL dry lining board insulation. Product sheet 2
- Ballytherm Ltd. Ballytherm Insulation. Ballytherm BTR pitched roof insulation. Product sheet 3
- Bauder Ltd. Bakor hot-applied monolithic structural waterproofing system. Bakor 790-11EV hot-applied monolithic membrane system. Product sheet 1
- Bauder Ltd. Bauder PIR insulation. Bauder PIR roof insulation boards. Product sheet 1
- Baumit Ltd. Baumit external wall insulation systems. Baumit EPS/XS022 external wall insulation systems. Product sheet 1
- Baumit Ltd. Baumit external wall insulation systems. Baumit mineral wool external wall insulation system. Product sheet 2
- BEMO Project Engineering UK Ltd. BEMO Standing Seam roof systems. BEMO N65/305, N65/400 and N65/500 standing seam roof systems. Product sheet 1
- BeSealed BV. BeSealed BV hydrophilic waterstops. Bentobar+. Product sheet 1
- BioKil Crown Ltd. BioKil Crown masonry protection systems. Aquadry masonry protection cream. Product sheet 1
- Blue Chyp Limited. Cobalt Modular Hybrid Balcony Systems (MMC). Cobalt Balcony Systems with Leviat Thermally Insulated Connector. Product Sheet 1
- Bluebird Fixings Limited. Bluebird Fixings. Bluebird screw tie wall connectors. Product sheet 1
- BMI Group UK Ltd. Divoroll air - air open roofing membrane. For use in cold non-ventilated pitched roof systems. Product sheet 2
- BMI Group UK Ltd. Divoroll air - air open roofing membrane. For use in warm non-ventilated pitched roof systems. Product sheet 1
- BMI Group UK Ltd. Xtra-load damp-proof course systems. Xtra-load Alumite gas resistant DPC. Product sheet 4
- BMI Group UK Ltd. Xtra-load damp-proof course systems. Xtra-load elite DPC system for walls. Product sheet 1
- BPA GmbH (Waterproofing Systems). BPA waterproofing systems. CEMflex VB - steel plate waterstop. Product sheet 1
- Brexit - how the BBA can help
- Briarwood Landini SpA. Briarwood Landini cladding products. Eurosix Lan profiled roof and wall cladding. Product sheet 1
- Brick Fabrication Limited. Brick Fabrication Limited. Lightweight brick clad insulated panel. Product sheet 1
- Bridgend Extrusions Ltd. Bridgend Extrusions Ltd. K-Form permanent concrete formwork. Product sheet 1
- Briggs Amasco Ltd t/a Aperture. Aperture systems. Aperture weathering system. Product sheet 1
- Briggs Amasco Ltd t/a Hyflex Roofing. Hyflex roofing cold applied liquid systems. Exemplar balcony and walkway systems. Product sheet 2
- Briggs Amasco Ltd t/a Hyflex Roofing. Hyflex roofing cold applied liquid systems. Exemplar roofing system. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Limited t/a Visqueen Building Products. Visqueen waterproofing system. Visqueen CM20 membrane. product sheet 2
- British Polythene Limited t/a Visqueen Building Products. Visqueen waterproofing system. Visqueen CM8 membrane. product sheet 1
- British Polythene Limited t/a Visqueen building products. Visqueen waterproofing systems. Visqueen IGW tanking slurry. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Limited t/a Visqueen Building Products. Zedex high performance damp-proofing system. Zedex CPT high performance damp-proof course. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Limited t/a Visqueen. Visqueen waterproofing systems. Visqueen Iongrip IGW Admix. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Ltd t/a Visqueen Building Products. Visqueen tanking membranes. Visqueen TorchOn tanking membrane. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Ltd. Visqueen axiom liquid waterproofing systems. Visqueen Axiomguard pro liquid waterproofing system. Product sheet 1
- British Polythene Ltd. Visqueen Waterstops. Visqueen VX25 waterstop. Product sheet 1