Parliamentary Publications documents within the Construction Information Service
- Better quality of life: a strategy for sustainable development for the United Kingdom. Cm 4345
- Bringing Britain together: a national strategy for neighbourhood renewal. Cm 4045
- Climate change - the UK programme. Cm 6764
- Coastal zone protection and planning: the government's response. Cm 2011
- Convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat (the Ramsar Convention). Cm 3053
- Future for allotments: the Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee's report. Cm 4052
- Government reply to the eighth report from the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee session 200-2001: cemeteries. Cm 5281
- Government response the Environmental Audit Committee report on air quality in the UK. Cm 7966
- Government response to ODPM housing, planning, local government and the regions committee report on the role of historic buildings in urban regeneration. Cm 6420
- Government response to ODPM select committee report on living places: cleaner, safer, greener. Cm 5989
- Government response to ODPM select committee report on planning for sustainable communities: sustainable communities in the south east. Cm 5895
- Government response to ODPM: housing, planning, local government and the regions select committee's eighth report on empty homes and low-demand pathfinders. Cm 6651
- Government response to the communities and local government committee report on coastal towns. Cm 7126
- Government response to the Communities and Local Government select committee's seventh report of session 2014-15 on litter and fly-tipping in England. Cm 9097
- Government response to the conclusions and recommendations of the Environment Committee: first report on water conservation and supply. Cm 3562
- Government response to the conclusions and recommendations of the Environmental Audit Committee: adapting to climate change, sixth report of session 2009-10. Cm 7912
- Government response to the Environment Committee third report into rural England: the rural white paper. Cm 3343
- Government response to the Environmental Audit Committee's report on Greener homes for the future? An environmental analysis of the Government's house-building plans. Cm 7615
- Government response to the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee report of session 2012-12: regeneration. Cm 8264
- Government response to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee report - housing: building a sustainable future. Cm 6575
- Government response to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee report - sustainable housing: a follow-up report. Cm 6893
- Government response to the Lords select committee report on sustainable development. Cm 3018
- Government response to the ODPM select committee report on social cohesion. Cm 6284
- Government response to the ODPM select committee's report on gypsy and traveller sites
- Government response to the ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee's report on decent homes. Cm 6266
- Government response to the ODPM: housing, planning, local government and the regions committee's report on the supporting people programme
- Government response to the ODPM: Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee report: Coalfield communities. Cm 6265
- Government response to the ODPM's select committee report: homelessness inquiry. Cm 6490
- Government response to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee's report on the evening economy and the urban renaissance. Cm 5971
- Government response to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution's twentieth report: transport and the environment - developments since 1994. Cm 4066
- Government response to the third report of the culture, media and sport select committee, session 2004-05: public libraries
- Government's response to the eleventh report of the Select Committee on Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs: proposed urban white paper. Cm 4912
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee report: UK biodiversity. Cm 5072
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee: housing. Cm 4080
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee: second report. Environmental impact of supermarket competition. Cm 4722
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee's report on walking in towns and cities. Cm 5277
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee's report: inland waterways. Cm 5149
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee's seventh report: rural white paper. Cm 4910
- Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs: seventeenth report. Housing: PPG3. Cm 4667
- Government's response to the Environmental Audit Committee's report on Budget 2003 and aviation. Cm 6063
- Government's response to the fourth report of the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment: shopping centres. Cm 3729
- Government's response to the housing, planning, local government and the regions select committee's report - Affordable homes. Cm 5783
- Government's response to the Royal Commission on environmental pollution's twenty-third report environmental planning England. Cm 5887
- Government's response to the second report in session 2000-01 of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee: development on, or affecting, the flood plain. Cm 5073
- Government's response to the Transport Committee's report on aviation. Cm 6047
- Government's response to the Transport Committee's report on school transport. Cm 6254
- Government's response to the Transport Committee's Report on urban charging schemes. Cm 5818
- Government's response to the Transport, Local Government and Regional Affairs Committee's report - the planning green paper. Cm 5625
- Government's response to the transport, local government and regional affairs select committee's report on tall buildings. Cm 5649
- Government's response to the Transport, Local Government and the Regions Select Committee report: 10 year plan for transport. Cm 5569
- Government's response to the transport, local government and the regions select committee's sixth report on empty homes. Cm 5514
- Government's response to the twentieth report from the House of Commons Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs committee: report on town and country parks. Cm 4550
- Household growth: where shall we live? Cm 3471
- Housing need: the Government's response to the second report from the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment session 1995-96. Cm 3259
- Making waste work: a strategy for sustainable waste management in England and Wales. Cm 3040
- New deal for the railways. Cm 4024
- New deal for transport: better for everyone. Cm 3950
- Our countryside: the future. A fair deal for rural England. Cm 4909
- Our energy future - creating a low carbon economy. Energy white paper. Cm 5761
- Our forests - the way ahead: enterprise, environment and access. Cm 2644
- Our future homes: opportunity, choice, responsibility. The Government's housing policies for England and Wales. Cm 2901
- Our towns and cities: delivering an urban renaissance. Cm 4911
- Planning for a sustainable future - white paper. Cm 7120
- Planning for the communities of the future. Cm 3885
- Protecting the built heritage. Cm 3267
- Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. 18th report: transport and the environment. Cm 2674
- Rural England 1996. Cm 3444
- Rural England: a nation committed to a living countryside. Cm 3016
- Securing the future - delivering UK sustainable development strategy. Cm 6467
- Setting environmental standards. Cm 4053
- Shopping centres and their future: the Government's response to the fourth report from the House of Commons Committee on the Environment. Cm 2767
- Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
- Sustainable development: the UK strategy. Cm 2426
- Sustainable forestry: the UK programme. Cm 2429
- Sustainable use of soil. Cm 3165
- Sustainable waste management: the Government's response to the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee's report. Cm 4058
- The UK Government response to the royal commission on environmental pollution's twenty-second report: Energy - the changing climate. Cm 5766
- This common inheritance: Britain's environmental strategy. Cm 1200
- This common inheritance: the second year report. Cm 2068
- This common inheritance: the third year report. Cm 2549
- This common inheritance: UK annual report 1995. Cm 2822
- This common inheritance: UK annual report 1996. Cm 3188
- This common inheritance: UK annual report 1997. Cm 3556
- Tourism - the hidden giant - and foot and mouth: Government response to the fourth report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Cm 5279
- Towards a compulsory purchase code: (2) Procedure. Final report. Cm 6406
- Town and country planning (Scotland) bill, Planning (listed buildings and conservation areas) (Scotland) bill, Planning (hazardous substances) (Scotland) bill, Planning (consequential provisions) (Scotland) bill. Cm 3644
- Transport and the environment - developments since 1994. Cm 3752
- Transport: the way forward. Cm 3234
- Travel choices for Scotland. Cm 4010
- Wind energy: the government's response. Cm 2694