Forestry Commission documents within the Construction Information Service
- Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate
- Air temperature regulation by urban trees and green infrastructure
- Application of sewage sludges and composts
- Benefits of green infrastructure
- Case for trees in development and the urban environment
- Climate change - impacts and adaptation in England's woodlands
- Climate change and British woodland
- Climate change and land regeneration
- Community woodland design guidelines
- Complete cultivation
- Creating new native woodlands
- Crossplan - integrated, participatory landscape planning as a tool for rural development
- Definition of trees and woodland
- Delivery plan 2008-2012 - England's trees, woods and forests
- Demand for forests for recreation
- Design techniques for forest management planning. 2nd edition
- Designing and managing forests and woodlands to reduce flood risk
- Designing with timber
- Do you need to cultivate before woodland establishment?
- Drought-tolerant tree species for land regeneration
- Economic benefits of greenspace - a critical assessment of evidence of net economic benefits
- Environmental Impact Assessments for woodland
- Fertiliser application in land regeneration
- Forest roads and tracks
- Forestry and the conservation and enhancement of landscape
- Forestry facts and figures 2016
- Forestry facts and figures 2017
- Forestry facts and figures 2018
- Forestry facts and figures 2019
- Forestry facts and figures 2020
- Forestry facts and figures 2021
- Forestry facts and figures 2022
- Forestry facts and figures 2023
- Forestry facts and figures 2024
- Forestry statistics 2014
- Forestry statistics 2015
- Forestry statistics 2016
- Forestry statistics 2017
- Forestry statistics 2019
- Forestry statistics 2021
- Forestry statistics 2022
- Forestry statistics 2023
- Forestry statistics 2024
- Greenspace design for health and well-being
- Guide to planning new woodland in England
- Hazards from trees - a general guide
- Highway tree management
- Historic environment guidance for forestry in England
- Imported soil or soil-forming materials placement
- Inventory of social evidence and practical programmes relating to trees, woods and forests and urban/peri-urban regeneration, place-making and place-shaping
- Laboratory analysis of soils and spoils
- Landscape and woodland design for woodland creation
- Life cycle assessment for construction products: an introductory guide for manufacturers and specifiers
- Loose tipping
- Lowland acid grassland - creation and management in land regeneration
- Lowland calcareous grassland - creation and management in land regeneration
- Lowland landscape design guidelines
- Lowland neutral grassland - creation and management in land regeneration
- Managing England's woodlands in a climate emergency - a guide to help foresters and agents implement adaptation actions
- Maximising biodiversity
- Native and non-native trees - why and how to choose
- Opportunities for woodland on contaminated land
- Place-making and communities - a review of concepts, indicators, policy and practice
- Planning for brownfield land regeneration to woodland and wider green infrastructure
- Protection of trees from mammal damage
- Provisional woodland statistics 2024
- Responding to the climate emergency with new trees and woodlands - a guide to help local authorities and landowning businesses achieve net zero
- Restoration of native woodland on ancient woodland sites
- Right tree in the right place for a resilient future
- Role of urban trees and greenspaces in reducing urban air temperatures
- Soil preparation for the creation of species-rich grassland habitats
- Soil sampling derelict, underused and neglected land prior to greenspace establishment
- Sporting recreational use of land
- Street tree valuation systems
- Sustainable construction timber - sourcing and specifying local timber
- Timber cladding in Scotland
- Timber properties of noble fir, Norway spruce, western red cedar and western hemlock grown in Great Britain
- Tree felling: getting permission - updated 2023
- Tree seeding
- Trees, people and the built environment - proceedings of the Urban Trees Research Conference 13-14 April 2011
- UK forestry standard: the governments' approach to sustainable forestry. 5th edition
- Understanding the role of urban tree management on ecosystem services
- Value of trees in our changing region - the strategic framework for trees, woods and forests in Yorkshire and The Humber region
- Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales
- Weed control
- Wildflower meadow - creation and management in land regeneration
- Working with the historic environment