The Concrete Centre documents within the Construction Information Service
- Basements for housing. Benefits and solutions for sustainable housing
- Case studies on applying best practice to in-situ concrete frame buildings. Early age concrete strength assessment
- Case studies on applying best practice to in-situ concrete frame buildings. Early age construction loading
- Case studies on applying best practice to in-situ concrete frame buildings. Special concretes
- Case studies on applying best practice to in-situ concrete frame buildings. St George Wharf project overview
- Civil engineering sustainable solutions using concrete
- Concise Eurocode 2 for bridges: For the design of concrete bridges to BS EN 1992-1-1 and BS EN 1992-2 and their national annexes (includes errata 2010)
- Concise Eurocode 2: For the design of in-situ concrete framed buildings to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 and its UK national annex:2005 (includes errata 2010)
- Concrete and BREEAM. Practical guidance on using concrete and concrete masonry to achieve high ratings in BREEAM UK New Construction 2014
- Concrete and fire safety: guidance on the use of concrete and masonry for fire resistant and efficient structures
- Concrete and flooding: the concrete contribution to flood protection, resistance and resilience
- Concrete assurance
- Concrete basements. Guidance on the design and construction of in-situ concrete basement structures
- Concrete bridges. The benefits of concrete in bridge design and construction
- Concrete buildings scheme design manual. A handbook for the IStructE chartered membership examination, based on Eurocode 2 (including corrections sheet - 2010)
- Concrete Credentials: concrete, concrete products and constituent materials. A quick reference guide to the sustainability and performance benefits of concrete
- Concrete floor solutions for passive and active cooling: design options for low energy buildings
- Concrete footbridges: an overview of design, engineering and case studies
- Concrete frames explained. A guide to design and construction of framed buildings
- Concrete futures. Spring 2024. In the loop. The UK Concrete Industry sustainable construction strategy goes circular
- Concrete futures: remixed - how concrete is evolving for a net-zero built environment
- Concrete industry sustainability performance report. 13th report: 2019 performance data
- Concrete solutions for wind tower foundations. Offshore and onshore wind farm development
- Concrete structures 10
- Concrete tall buildings. Guidance on the design and construction of building tall in concrete
- Concrete towers for onshore and offshore wind farms: conceptual design studies
- Cost model study - commercial buildings. A comparative cost assessment of the construction of multi-storey office buildings
- Cost model study - hospital buildings. A comparative cost assessment of structural options for both an acute care hospital and a community hospital
- Cost model study - school buildings. A comparative cost assessment of the construction of a typical secondary school
- Design and construction using insulating concrete formwork. A guide for structural design, concrete specifications, workmanship and construction details of ICF structures
- Design guide for footfall induced vibration of structures. A tool for designers to engineer the footfall vibration characteristics of buildings or bridges
- Design of hybrid concrete buildings. A guide to the design of buildings combining in-situ and precast concrete
- Designing for safer concrete structures. Outlining how designers can make a difference
- Economic concrete frame elements to Eurocode 2. A pre-scheme handbook for the rapid sizing and selection of reinforced concrete frame elements in multi-storey buildings designed to Eurocode 2
- Hospital construction. High performance buildings using concrete frames and cladding
- How to achieve acoustic performance in masonry homes
- How to achieve good levels of airtightness in masonry homes
- How to design concrete buildings to satisfy disproportionate collapse requirements
- How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2. 2nd edition
- How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2. BS 8500 for building and civil structures
- How to design reinforced concrete flat slabs using finite element analysis
- Hybrid concrete construction. Maximising the potential of concrete by combining precast and in-situ concrete
- Hydraulically-bound mixtures for pavements. Performance, behaviour, materials, mixture design, construction and control testing
- Insulating concrete formwork. A guide to performance benefits of ICF solutions
- Insulating concrete formwork. A guide to use and construction
- Introduction to Eurocode 6. Revision 2
- Lateral resistance
- Life cycle carbon analysis of a six-storey residential building
- Material efficiency: design guidance for doing more with less, using concrete and masonry
- Model specification for the design and performance of post-tensioned concrete floors in building structures. For use in the UK
- Multi-storey concrete car parks: a guide to design and construction
- Office cost study. Comparing the effects of structural solutions on costs
- Offsite concrete construction - a guide to the design and construction of precast concrete in buildings
- Performance of concrete structures in Fire. An in-depth publication on the behaviour of concrete in fire
- Post-tensioned concrete floors. A guide to design and construction
- Precast concrete in civil engineering. An overview of applications
- Properties of concrete for use in Eurocode 2. How to optimise the engineering properties of concrete in design to Eurocode 2
- Reducing carbon and cost of reinforcement
- Remediating brownfield land: Using cement and lime
- Residential cellular concrete buildings. A guide for the design and specification of concrete buildings using tunnel form, crosswall or twinwall systems
- Schools. High performance buildings using concrete frames and cladding
- Shed structures: a new approach
- Specifying sustainable concrete - understanding the role of constituent materials
- Specifying sustainable concrete - using 56 day concrete strengths
- Structural design of concrete and masonry: A compendium of technical papers
- Strut-and-tie models: How to design concrete members using strut-and-tie models in accordance with Eurocode 2
- Tall buildings: Structural design of concrete buildings up to 300 m tall
- Thermal mass explained. Thermal mass: what it is, how it is used and how it is measured
- Thermal mass for housing. Concrete solutions for the changing climate
- Thermal performance: Part L1A 2013. Fabric and services options for energy and carbon compliance
- This is concrete - 70 years of Concrete Quarterly 1947-2017. Celebrating 7 decades of concrete architecture and engineering
- This is concrete - ahead of the game
- This is concrete - feelgood factory. Can concrete buildings like White Collar Factory make us healthier and happier?
- This is concrete - new ideas...and good ideas that never get old
- This is concrete - the shape of things to come
- Utilisation of thermal mass in non-residential buildings. Guidance on system design, floor types, surface finish and integration of services
- Vertical resistance. Revision 2
- Visual concrete: guidance on specification of formed concrete finishes
- Whole-life carbon and buildings: concrete solutions for reducing embodied and operational CO2
- Worked examples to Eurocode 2. For the design of in-situ concrete elements in framed buildings to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 and its UK national annex: 2005 (includes errata 2012)
- Zero carbon performance - Cost-effective concrete and masonry homes