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Northern Ireland Environment Agency documents within the Construction Information Service
2014 Northern Ireland water management facts and figures
Anaerobic digesters. Version 1
Badger survey - NIEA specific requirements
Badgers and development (revised November 2011)
Carrying out a water framework directive (WFD) assessment on EIA developments. A water management unit guidance note
Common or viviparous lizard surveys - NIEA specific requirements
Criteria for listing review
EIA scoping guidance for developments likely to impact upon the water environment. A water management unit guidance note
EIA scoping guidance for road schemes likely to impact upon the water environment. A water management unit guidance note
From evidence to opportunity - a second assessment of the state of Northern Ireland's environment
General planning guidance note - water management unit. A guidance note for planning officers and applicants for planning permission
Guidance on protecting historic monuments on farmland
Guidance on re-use of canals and navigations in Northern Ireland. Version 1
Guidance on the regulation of greenfield soil in construction and development - regulatory position statement
Habitat surveys - NIEA specific requirements
Historic buildings and energy efficiency. A guide to Part F of the Northern Ireland building regulations 2006
Managing stormwater - a strategy for promoting the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) within Northern Ireland
NIEA, Natural Heritage, development management team advice note - active peatland and PPS18
Northern Ireland regional seascape character assessment
Northern Ireland's landscape charter
Planning guidance note: sewage pumping stations - water management unit. A guidance note for planning officers and applicants for planning permission
Pollution prevention and control (industrial emissions) regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 - guide for applicants
Pollution prevention and control (industrial emissions) regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 - part B PPC guide for applicants
Protected species guidance for development management
Protocol for the care of the government historic estate
Review of the impacts of onshore wind energy development on biodiversity
Road schemes and the protection of the water environment. A water management unit guidance note
Securing windows and doors
Signs and signwriting
Waste - short guide to duty of care responsibilities
Waste management. The duty of care - a code of practice for Northern Ireland: issued under Article 5 of the Waste and contaminated land (Northern Ireland) order 1997
Wind energy development in Northern Ireland's landscapes - supplementary planning guidance to accompany planning policy statement 18 'renewable energy' (revised October 2019)
Windows - A guidance booklet on openings