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Department for Communities documents within the Construction Information Service
Annex A - specific wheelchair housing design standards
Applying the conservation principles. Guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment in Northern Ireland
Briefing and design reviews
Building preservation notices - a good practice guide for district councils
Conservation principles. Guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment in Northern Ireland
Criteria for the scheduling of historic monuments and the listing of buildings of special architectural or historic interest, with associated procedures
De-listing: removing a building from the list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest
Design guide for travellers' sites in Northern Ireland
Development and archaeology. Guidance on archaeological works in the planning process
Future places - using heritage to build resilient communities
Guidance for historic windows
Guidance for the thermal upgrade of traditional buildings. Version 2 - August 2024
Guidance for urban centres and green spaces
Guidance on setting and the historic environment
Guidance on sustainability appraisal and strategic environmental assessment for the historic environment
Historic buildings council for Northern Ireland 2013-2016. Nineteenth report
Historic buildings council for Northern Ireland 2016-2020. Twentieth report
Historic buildings council for Northern Ireland 2020-2023. Twenty first report
Historic buildings of local importance - a guide to their identification and protection
Historic environment record of Northern Ireland
Historic monuments of Northern Ireland. Scheduled historic monuments
Housing supply strategy. A home for everyone 2024-2039
Information guide for local councils: listed buildings
Living high streets. Craft kit 2022
MAG principles. Inclusive places
MAG principles. Quality of residential space
NI heritage statistics
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2015-16
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2016-17
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2017-18
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2018-19
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2019-20
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2020-21
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2021-22
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2022-23
Northern Ireland housing statistics 2023-24
Register of parks, gardens and demesne of special historic interest in Northern Ireland
Retrofit of traditional buildings - what to consider when planning for the future
Roadmap: improving safety in high rise residential buildings. Implementation of NI expert panel report
Scheduled monument consents. Advice for planning officers and applicants seeking planning permission within the scheduled area of a monument
Urgent works notices - a good practice guide for district councils