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Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment Space documents within the Construction Information Service
Civilised streets
Community green - using local spaces to tackle inequality and improve health
Community-led spaces - a guide for local authorities and community groups
Does money grow on trees?
Green information gap: mapping the nation's green spaces
Green space strategies - a good practice guide
Guide to producing park and green space management plans
Is the grass greener? Learning from international innovations in urban green space management
It's our space - a guide for community groups working to improve public space
Living with risk - promoting better public space design
Making contracts work for wildlife: how to encourage biodiversity in urban parks
Making the invisible visible: the real value of park assets
Managing green spaces - seven ingredients for success
Open space strategies - what local authority decision makers need to know
Parkforce fact pack - how six local authorities created their Parkforce
Parks need Parkforce
Paved with gold - the real value of good street design
Paying for parks - eight models for funding urban green spaces
Preventing anti-social behaviour in public spaces
Public space lessons - adapting public space to climate change
Public space lessons - designing and planning for play
Public space lessons - improving green space skills
Public space lessons - land in limbo: making the best use of vacant urban spaces
Research summary - helping community groups to improve public spaces
Skills to grow - seven priorities to improve green space skills
Start with the park - creating sustainable urban green spaces in areas of housing growth and renewal
This way to better residential streets - summary
This way to better streets - lessons from 10 successful streets
Urban green nation - building the evidence base
Urban parks - do you know what you're getting for your money?
Value of public space - how high quality parks and public spaces create economic, social and environmental value
What are we scared of? The value of risk in designing public space