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Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management documents within the Construction Information Service
Active transport
Brownfield development
Bulk water transfers
Catchment based approach in England
Clearing the air - priorities for reducing air pollution in the UK
Climate change
Climate change adaptation
Contaminated land
De-culverting of watercourses
Energy recovery from waste
Flood and coastal erosion risk management
Forestry and water management - integration for multiple benefit
From microbes to mountains - understanding and debating the role of ecosystem services in environmental management. Volume 2
Lead in drinking water
Less is more - a lifecycle approach to waste prevention and resource optimisation
Multi-functional urban green infrastructure
Natural flood management
PFAS risk and management in the water industry
Placing a monetary value on ecosystem services
Planning water resources in England and Wales
Protecting and enhancing soils
Rainfall modelling guide 2015
Regulation of water resources planning in Scotland
Shale gas and water 2016 - an independent review of shale gas extraction in the UK and the implications for the water environment
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
Taking managed realignment forward as a policy option for coastal management in England and Wales
Waste and resource management
Waste management and climate change
Water efficiency - helping customers to use less water in their homes