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British Compressed Gases Association documents within the Construction Information Service
Application of the pressure equipment regulations to customer sites
Biomedical cryogenic storage systems. Design and operation
Bulk storage of gaseous hydrogen at users' premises
Connecting gas cylinders
Cryogenic liquid storage at users' premises
Cylinders in fires
Design and construction of manifolds using acetylene gas from 1.5 bar to 25 bar
Design, construction, maintenance and operation of filling stations dispensing gaseous fuels
Gas cylinder identification label and colour code requirements
Gas cylinders - decanting gases
Gas safety. Information, instruction and training
Gas supply and distribution systems (excluding acetylene)
Gas supply and distribution systems. Specialty gases
Guidance on assessing the competency of personnel undertaking periodic inspection and testing of gas cylinders
Handle gas cylinders safely: information for customers handling gas cylinders
Implementation of EIGA carbon dioxide standards
In-service requirements of pressure equipment (gas storage and gas distribution systems)
Liquid carbon dioxide storage at users' premises
Liquid gas storage tanks: your responsibilities
Management of risk when using gases in enclosed workplaces
Method for estimating the off-site risks from bulk storage of liquefied oxygen
Model risk assessment for the storage and use of gas cylinders for oxy-fuel applications
Movement of static gas storage tanks by road
Moving gas cylinders and bundles within the workplace
New cylinder valve outlet connections. Effect on cylinder equipment
Oxy-fuel gas equipment - selection and assembly
Probability of fatality in oxygen enriched atmospheres due to spillage of liquefied oxygen
Production, storage, transport and supply of gases for use in food. Revision 2
Risk assessment considerations for activities involving compressed gas cylinders within the workplace
Risk assessment guidance for the safe use of liquid nitrogen dewars
Safe cylinder handling and the application of the manual handling operations regulations to gas cylinders
Safe distribution of acetylene in the pressure range 0-1.5 bar (0-22 lbf/in2)
Safe handling of gas cylinders at waste facilities
Safe storage and use of cylinders in mobile workshops and service vehicles. Revision 5
Safe use of gases in the steel industry
Safe use of individual portable or mobile cylinder gas supply equipment
Safe use of liquid nitrogen dewars. Revision 3:2019
Safe use of oxy-fuel gas equipment (individual portable or mobile cylinder supply)
Safety checks for vacuum insulated cryogenic tanks
Storage of cryogenic flammable fluids
Storage of gas cylinders
Transportable vacuum insulated containers of not more than 1000 litres volume
Welding fumes - safety alert
Working in reduced oxygen atmospheres