Building Supplement
Special Publication
The waste you create on site is no longer wasted if you or others can reuse or recycle it. The amount of waste that you need to think about can itself be reduced by careful storage and handling of materials. Every year in the UK our industry generates some 70 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste - much of which is driven off site and dumped in a landfill. This is not very cost-effective because landfill is expensive, and the addition of a landfill tax makes it even more costly. Indeed, time and money are wasted all along the line - buying materials that are wasted, storing the resulting waste, transporting and dumping it. Additionally, you lose the income that would have been gained by salvaging it. It is also environmentally irresponsible to produce excessive quantities of waste. It is easy to make excuses for not changing the way we do things. This handbook clearly identifies the choices available for dealing with specific construction and demolition wastes, showing what can be effectively reduced, reused or recycled - and how to take action now.
CIRIA was formerly known as the Construction Industry Research and Information Association. They are a member-based research and information organisation who publish reports and technical papers covering building and civil engineering as well as transport and utilities infrastructure.
NBS has produced specification systems and information products for construction industry professionals for more than 40 years. The National Building Specification is the recognised UK national standard and is used by over 5,000 organisations. NBS is part of RIBA Enterprises Ltd.
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