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Planning Officers Society documents within the Construction Information Service
Affordable housing: delivering it in a more effective way
Application validation, registration and digital records
CIL and infrastructure planning
Compulsory purchase: three essential improvements
Councillor involvement in pre application discussions - revised January 2014
Developing your local plan and community infrastructure levy (CIL) charging schedule at the same time
Environmental impact assessment - screening and scoping options
From concept to construction: making the system more flexible
Getting started with neighbourhood planning
Good practice guide on planning conditions for mineral extraction and waste management facilities
Good practice note for county matter planning authorities - a drive for quality
Guidance on best practice for chargeable site monitoring
Guidance on non-material amendments and minor material amendments
Guidance on policies for minerals planning
Guidance on pre-application charging
Highway/environmental improvement works and affordable housing secured by planning conditions
Infrastructure: funding it in a more effective way
Local plans: an evolutionary approach to improvement
Local tariffs - a way forward
Models for sub-regional spatial planning
Models for sub-regional spatial planning. Appendices
Neighbourhood planning
Neighbourhood planning
Planning and climate change
Planning and design: achieving good design through the planning process
Planning for a better future - our planning manifesto for the government
Planning for retirement housing
Planning post RSS revocation - revised March 2011
Policies for spatial plans: a guide to writing the policy content of local development documents
Pre and post decision amendments
Pre planning application consultation best practice - revised January 2014
Public speaking in planning committees
Reasons for the grant of planning permission. Practice note
Red line submissions: a proportionate approach
Renegotiating s106 agreements
Responding to nationally significant infrastructure projects - an advice note
Section 106 obligations and the community infrastructure levy (revised February 2015)
Supporting and facilitating community engagement
Towards proactive enforcement - revised February 2014
Transition to the Localism Act and the national planning policy framework
We need to talk about the green belt