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Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland documents within the Construction Information Service
Absolutely essential health and safety toolkit for the smaller construction contractor
Asbestos is still a major killer of tradespeople in Northern Ireland
Construction (design and management) regulations (NI) 2016. Transitional arrangements
COSHH(NI): a brief guide to the Regulations. What you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (COSHH(NI))
Does my building need an asbestos register?
Electrical safety - make it your priority
Five steps to risk assessment
Introduction to health and safety. Health and safety in small businesses
Is your lift truck being used safely?
Keep your top on - health risks from working in the sun
Managing legionella during COVID-19 lockdown
Reducing manual handling of plasterboard. Best practice guidance (revised 2018)
RIDDOR - RIDDOR (NI) '97. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997
Safe use of the semi-automatic quick hitch system on excavators
Simple guide to the CDM Regulations (NI) 2016
What to expect when a health and safety inspector calls. A brief guide for business, employees and their representatives
Workplace health, safety and welfare. Approved code of practice