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Government Office for Science documents within the Construction Information Service
A time of unprecedented change in the transport system. The future of mobility
Cities and public policy: a review paper. Future of cities: working paper
Comparative urban governance. Future of cities: working paper
Coping with change: urban resilience, sustainability, adaptability and path dependence. Future of cities: working paper
Developing medical, fitness and well-being environments to maintain health and well-being over the life course. Future of an ageing population: evidence review
Divergent cities in post-industrial Britain. Future of cities: working paper
Evolving economic performance of UK cities: city growth patterns 1981-2011. Future of cities: working paper
Future of an ageing population (revised 2019)
Future of cities: a framework for discussing the implications of future disruptors
Future of cities: an overview of the evidence
Future of cities: beyond peak car. Future of cities: essay
Future of cities: Foresight for cities. A resource for policy makers
Future of cities: international seminar. Future of cities: seminar report
Future of cities: the science of cities and future research priorities
Future of cities: three contrasting scenarios. Future of cities: scenario exercises
Future of cities: what is the global agenda? Future of cities: essay
Future of health and healthcare provision in cities. Future of cities: working paper
Future of housing and the built environment in an ageing population
Future of the urban environment and ecosystem services in the UK. Future of cities: working paper
How can transport provision and associated built environment infrastructure be enhanced and developed to support the mobility needs of individuals as they age? Future of an ageing population: evidence review
How will city infrastructure and sensors be made smart? Future of cities: essay
Living in the city. Future of cities: working paper
Net zero society: scenarios and pathways. How could societal changes affect the path to net zero?
People in cities: the numbers. Future of cities: working paper
Prospects for land, rent and housing in UK cities. Future of cities: working paper
Urban form and infrastructure: a morphological review. Future of cities: working paper
Urban metabolism: a review in the UK context. Future of cities: working paper
Visual history of the future. Future of cities: working paper
What are future cities? Origins, meanings and uses
What developments in the built environment will support the adaptation of homes and 'future proofing' of homes and local neighbourhoods so that people can age well in place of the life course, stay safe and maintain independent lives? Future of an ageing population: evidence review
What do the latest official sub-national population projections suggest for Great Britain's 63 cities? Addendum to 'People in cities: the numbers'