Core Supplement
Guidance to ensure the workforce is protected and the risk of spreading infection minimised during the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Though lifting of the legal restrictions from 19 July 2021 means that the Site Operating Procedures are no longer current, they are made available as a reference document.
19th July 2021 reference document. First published as Site operating procedures – protecting your workforce (CLC, 2020), issued 23/03/2020. Version 3 issued 14/04/2020 as Construction sector site operating procedures - protecting your workforce during Coronavirus (COVID-19) (CLC, 2020). Version 4 issued 18/05/2020. Updated to incorporate the UK Government's publication 'Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work' (May 2020). Version 5 issued 04/07/2020. Update relates to lockdown restrictions easing from 04/07/2020 and the one metre plus social distance guidelines. Version 6 issued 20/10/2020. Update relates to social distancing, face coverings, workers developing COVID-19 symptoms, NHS QR codes in canteens, and updates to make future updates easier. Version 7 issued 07/01/2021, with minor updates to guidance on self-isolation and shielding and the removal of the requirement to display a QR code in site canteens.
NBS has produced specification systems and information products for construction industry professionals for more than 40 years. The National Building Specification is the recognised UK national standard and is used by over 5,000 organisations. NBS is part of RIBA Enterprises Ltd.
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