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Sport England documents within the Construction Information Service
Access for disabled people (Withdrawn)
Accessible sports facilities
Affordable community swimming pools
Affordable sports halls
Artificial sports lighting - updated guidance for 2012
Artificial surfaces for outdoor sport - updated guidance for 2013
Assessing needs and opportunities guide for indoor and outdoor sports facilities: how to undertake and apply needs assessments for sports facilities
Clubhouse - design
Clubhouse - project management
Clubhouse - refurbishment
Clubhouse - sustainability
Comparative sizes of sports pitches and courts (indoor)
Comparative sizes of sports pitches and courts (outdoor)
Developing the right sports hall
Developing the right sports hall. Sports data sheets - badminton
Developing the right sports hall. Sports data sheets - basketball
Developing the right sports hall. Sports data sheets - indoor cricket
Developing the right sports hall. Sports data sheets - netball
Developing the right sports hall. Sports data sheets - volleyball
Display panel sustainability 1-3
Facilities cost - second quarter 2016
Flooding - after the flood – buildings. How to recover from a flood safely and quickly
Flooding - after the flood – pitches and courts. How to recover from a flood safely and quickly
Flooding - developing a club flood plan. Making sure everyone knows what to do in a flood
Flooding - flood alert/warning received. What to do to minimise the impact of flooding following a flood alert/flood warning
Flooding - flood resilient design. How to make sports facilities more resilient to flooding
Flooding - how to plan ahead. What to do to minimise the impact of future flooding of your sports facilities
Floors for indoor sports
Natural turf for sport
Outdoor sports lighting - briefing note
Planning for sport guidance. Guidance on how the planning system can help to provide opportunities for all to take part in sport and be physically active
Playing pitch strategy guidance - an approach to developing and delivering a playing pitch strategy
Sports halls design and layouts - Updated and combined guidance
Swimming pools: Audit checklist
Swimming pools: Updated guidance for 2013
Village and community halls
Wayfinding and signage for sports facilities: new guidance for 2013