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NHBC Foundation documents within the Construction Information Service
40 facts. Homes, housing and house building today
Advantages of new homes
Affordable housing - residents' views of quality
Ageing and airtightness - how dwelling air permeability changes over time
Annex to NF81. Data and information sources
Assessment of MVHR systems and air quality in zero carbon homes
At your services - what to expect during commissioning
Avoiding rubbish design - providing for bin storage on new housing developments
Biodiversity in new housing developments - creating wildlife-friendly communities
Building Information Modelling - an introduction for house builders
Building sustainable homes at speed - risks and rewards
Cellulose-based building materials - use, performance and risk
Challenge of shape and form - understanding the benefits of efficient design
Climate change and innovation in house building - designing out risk
Code for Sustainable Homes simply explained
Community heating and combined heat and power
Connected home - designing and building technology into today's new homes
Designing homes for the 21st century - lessons for low energy design
Efficient design of piled foundations for low-rise housing - design guide
Energy efficient fixed appliances and building control systems
Fire performance of new residential buildings
Fires in cavities in residential buildings - the performance of cavity barriers in external walls with combustible materials
Future for home heating - life without fossil fuels
Futurology - the new home in 2050
Ground-related requirements for new housing - workshops to examine the issues faced by the industry
Guide to installation of renewable energy systems on roofs of residential buildings
Guide to modern methods of construction
Home comforts - guidance on using ventilation, heating and renewable energy systems
Homes through the decades - the making of modern housing
House building - a century of innovation
How occupants behave and interact with their homes - the impact on energy use, comfort, control and satisfaction
Impact of occupant behaviour and use of controls on domestic energy use
Improving the prospects for small house builders and developers
Indoor air quality in highly energy efficient homes - a review
Introduction to feed-in tariffs
Learning the lessons from systemic building failures
Lessons from Germany's Passivhaus experience
Low and zero carbon homes: understanding the performance challenge
Low- and zero-carbon technologies in new homes - learning from the experiences of consumers and on-site sales teams
Low carbon cooking appliances
Management of post-completion repairs - a best practice guide for home builders
Milton Keynes - a sustainable future: a low carbon prospectus
Modern housing. Households' views of their new homes
Modern methods of construction - building on experience
Modern methods of construction - views from the industry
Modern methods of construction - who’s doing what?
Multigenerational living. An opportunity for UK house builders?
Open plan flat layouts - assessing life safety in the event of fire
Operational and embodied carbon in new build housing - a reappraisal
Overheating in new homes - a review of the evidence
Part F 2010 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers
Part L 2010 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers
Part L 2013 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers - masonry construction. For England
Part L 2013 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers - timber frame construction. For England
Part L 2014 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers - masonry construction. For Wales
Part L 2014 - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers - timber frame construction. For Wales
Plugging in to the future - electric vehicle charging and new homes
Practical guide to building airtight dwellings
Prospects for the UK housebuilding industry
Retirement housing - residents' experiences
Review of co-heating test methodologies
Risks in domestic basement construction
Simple guide to sustainable drainage systems for housing
Site waste management. Guidance and templates for effective site waste management plans
Small house builders and developers. Current challenges to growth
Sound progress - a review of homeowner feedback on noise in new homes
Survey of low and zero carbon technologies in new housing
Sustainable technologies - the experience of housing associations
Tenure integration in housing developments - a literature review
The Merton Rule: a review of the practical, environmental and economic effects
Thermal imaging report guide
Today's attitudes to low and zero carbon homes - views of occupiers, house builders and housing associations
Underfloor heating - a guide for housebuilders
Understanding overheating - where to start: an introduction for house builders and designers
Use of lime-based mortars in new build
Use of recycled and secondary materials in residential construction
Water consumption in sustainable new homes
Water efficiency in new homes - an introductory guide for housebuilders
Windows - making it clear. Energy, daylighting and thermal comfort
Zero carbon compendium - who's doing what in housing worldwide
Zero carbon homes - an introductory guide for housebuilders
Zero carbon: what does it mean to homeowners and housebuilders?