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Federation of Piling Specialists documents within the Construction Information Service
Bentonite support fluids in civil engineering. 2nd edition
BIM introduction and workflow
Breaking down of piles
Calculation of track bearing pressures for platform design
CFA piling: preventing ground and rig instability through over-flighting
Code of industry best practice. Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998
Definition of BIM compliance
Design of bored piles in chalk
Design of piles to BS EN 1997:1 and BS EN 1992:1
Drafting a performance specification
FPS guide to hydraulically bound working platforms
FPS survey site investigation reports
Guidance on RIDDOR and piling and drilling rigs on construction sites
Handbook on pile load testing
How can BIM help industry problems?
Information exchange - information, classification and exchange of piling data
Measurement of piling and embedded retaining wall work
Notes for guidance on PUWER (regulations 11 and 12) in relation to guarding and cleaning augers on piling operations
Notes for guidance on the extraction of temporary casings and temporary piles within the piling industry
Pile testing datasheets
Procedure for drafting a tender document and method of invitation
Published minimum requirements for site investigation
Reducing the risks of vibration-induced injuries
Schedule of attendances and facilities to be provided by the client to a piling or diaphragm walling specialist
Schedule of attendances and facilities to be provided by the client to a steel sheet piling specialist
Software guidance for BIM
Working platform design sensitivity