Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd documents within the Construction Information Service
- Advanced building envelope components - comparative experiments
- Advanced design examples of seismic retrofit of structures
- Concrete design to EN 1992. 2nd edition
- Cost models for green buildings - with optimal green star credits
- Design and analysis of tall and complex structures
- Engineering geology. 2nd edition
- Engineering in rock masses
- Exergy analysis and thermoeconomics of buildings - design and analysis for sustainable energy systems
- Geotechnical engineering calculations and rules of thumb
- Green roofs, facades, and vegetative systems - safety aspects in the standards
- Ground improvement case histories. Compaction, grouting and geosynthetics
- Ground improvement case histories. Embankments with special reference to consolidation and other physical methods
- Handbook of energy efficiency in buildings - a life cycle approach
- Handbook of green building design, and construction: LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes
- Handbook of low carbon concrete
- Handbook of materials failure analysis with case studies from the construction industries
- Highway engineering - planning, design and operations
- Infrastructure computer vision
- Lock gates and other closures in hydraulic projects
- Matrix methods for advanced structural analysis
- Natural water remediation - chemistry and technology
- Net zero energy buildings (NZEB): concepts, frameworks and roadmap for project analysis and implementation
- New materials in civil engineering
- Onshore structural design calculations. Power plant and energy processing facilities
- Optimizing community infrastructure - resilience in the face of shocks and stresses
- Piezocone and cone penetration tests (CPTu and CPT) applications in foundation engineering
- Pile design and construction rules of thumb. 2nd edition
- Stability of structures
- Structural and stress analysis. 4th edition
- Structural aspects of building conservation. 2nd edition
- Structural cross-sections: analysis and design
- Sustainable cities and communities design handbook - green engineering, architecture, and technology. 2nd edition
- Sustainable construction technologies - life-cycle assessment
- Sustainable development strategies - engineering, culture and economics
- Sustainable remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater - materials, processes and assessment
- The finite element method in engineering. 6th edition
- Twort's Water supply. 7th edition