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British Refrigeration Association documents within the Construction Information Service
BRA interpretation of key issues in EN 378:2000 for commercial refrigeration
Code of practice for isolation of a display cabinet evaporator from a carbon dioxide (R744) system
Code of practice for refrigerant leak tightness in compliance with the F-gas regulation
Code of practice for the design and manufacture of refrigerated cabinets running on hydrocarbon refrigerants
Guide to selecting copper tube and fittings for refrigeration and air conditioning systems with air cooled condensers
Guideline methods of calculating TEWI - Issue 2
Health and safety guidance on access and plant for maintenance requirements (including working at heights)
Identification of electrical conductors in fixed installations
Jointing of pipework for refrigeration systems - specification and approval of brazing procedures. Manual flame brazing - brazer approval. Issue 6 v1.1
Practical guide to using refrigerants with a temperature glide. Issue 1
Pressure relief devices: guidance on selection for the low pressure side of systems
Using refrigerant GWP values - a guide to selecting the appropriate data. Issue 3